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"Amy!" Dianne shouted as she walked into the studio and saw her dance bestie at the otherside. The past week of knowing eachother, Dianne and Amy had spoken everyday and became good friends.
"What's happened?" Amy laughed, Dianne had messaged her saying that she had some important news.
"Me and Joe, well were dating. Not boyfriend and girlfriend yet but dating." Dianne said smiling, Amy squealing.
"Omg Dianne! That's amazing! I knew there was something between you. Who knows!" Amy asked.
"You, joes mum and my mum. That's it. We agreed not to tell anyone until it's official, which he said won't be to long." Dianne said smiling.
"OMG, you two will make the most perfect couple! I'll keep my mouth shut don't worry." Amy told Dianne as she gave her a hug.
"Thank you. We should probably go over to everyone." Dianne said, they walked over to where everyone else was stood and joined in their conversations as they all stretched and warmed themselves up.

"Guys I need to take this, I'll be a few minutes." Dianne said as she got up as they were eating lunch as her phone began to ring.

D- hiya Joe! Everything okay ?
J- yeah everything's fine, just wanted to say hi, your on lunch right Dot?
D- yeah and oo am I dot now!
J- oh god, I didn't even realise I said that sorry. I'll go back to Di.
D- no it's fine, I like it, call me dot. My whole family do.
J- which is why I shouldn't! It's your family name.
D- oh Joe grow up! You can call me dot! But feel honoured, I don't let everyone! I once told my uncle to stop because I got annoyed at him, he hasn't called me dot since.
J- okay then, anyways, what I was really ringing to ask was if you know we're not in school tomorrow?
D- what why? I didn't know
J- yeah I didn't think you did. It's teacher training day so we have the day off. So I was wondering if you wanted to come round mine tonight after dance and go out tomorrow. On a date! I have it all planned.
D- omg Joe, yeah definitely, are you sure that's okay with your mum?
J- yeah course it is, she loves you Di.
D- I would say come over to mine but my parents will be at the hospital coz they work nights on Sundays and I don't think they'd want me home alone with the guy I'm talking to.
J- don't worry, mum likes having you round anyway. So what time do you finish dance? What till will you be back?
D- I finish at 6 so should probably be back for 7:30 8ish. I'll pack a bag as soon as I get in and then come to yours.
J- great. I'll let you go, go eat and dance your little socks off Dot.
D- will do, thanks Joey, see you later
J- bye

"Oh look, Buzz is going her boyfriends!" Gorka shouted making everyone laugh and Dianne roll her eyes.
"He's not my boyfriend! He's my friend!" She told them, Amy smirking.
"For now!" Everyone said making Dianne laugh  and roll her eyes even though it was sort of true. The rest of dance consisted of learning new routines, a bit of partner work and stretching and technique.
"Some of you need to work on your tricks. I know ballroom and Latin doesn't use many tricks but it's good to have them. By next week I want everyone to have a side Ariel. And youse already with a side Ariel, try and get your front, yes that's harder but I want to see some improvement to them." Jason, the choreographer said. Dianne put her hand up. "Yep Dianne, is their a problem?"
"What if you can already do side and front, what should you work on then?" She asked, she didn't like not having anything to work on.
"Can you do them both consistently?" She nodded. "Back flips, can you do them?" She nodded. "Front, standing?" She nodded again. "I don't know what to give you if you can already do everything. Have you got everything on both sides?" He asked.
"Not everything no. Should I just work on getting things on my left side?"
"Yeah do that. Don't push yourself to much as that can be really hard trying to get it on your otherside." Jason told her, she nodded.

"Finally!" Joe laughed as he opened the door for Dianne, she walked in putting her bags on the floor and giving Joe a massive hug. "What's that for?"
"Just because." She laughed before walking into the kitchen to see Tracey dishing up dinner. "Hiya Tracey."
"Hello Dianne, how are you?" She asked, Joe running upstairs with Dianne's bag leaving the 2 new besties to talk.
"I'm good thanks, tired from dance but good. How are you?" Dianne asked.
"I'm good thank you. Oh Dianne you don't need to help." Tracey said as Dianne got the knives and forks out of the drawer, Tracey slightly shocked that the redhead knew where they were kept.
"It's fine, I want to." Dianne said as she started to set the table.
"Joe come and tell your future girlfriend to sit and relax, she doesn't need to help." Tracey said as Joe walked in, the two teens laughing as she said future girlfriend.
"She doesn't know the meaning of the word relax. But come sit Dot!" Joe said, Dianne smiling at the nickname and went and sat down, after finishing setting the table.

"Joe, what do your fans think of me? After that video?" Dianne asked as everyone was eating, she hadn't looked at any comments so wasn't aware of what they thought.
"Oh yeah, they hate you." He said while eating, causing Dianne to look up and gasp, "I'm joking, they all loved you. Found you funny and a lot of them were saying how endearing you are." Joe told her.
"What does that mean?" Dianne asked.
"It's a good thing, don't worry." Joe laughed. "You could be in another one if you wanted?" Joe suggested. "I've got loads of questions for a best friend challenge that we could do?"
"Yeah let's do that. We can film it tomorrow morning before you take me wherever we're going!"

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