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"So Dot, Hows England?" Diannes uncle asked as they were sat in their living room at their house in Bunbury. They family had been back in Australia for 2 days and were now getting round to seeing family.
"Yeah it's okay." Dianne said, she was sat on the sofa holding the bear that Joe made of her.
"Just okay? Come on tell me more, what's dance like? Friends? School?" Her uncle asked, it wasn't like Dianne to be really quiet.
"Dance is really good, I love it their, the people are really nice. My friends are nice, I moved friend groups about 2 weeks ago and they are really nice. And schools okay, could be better." Dianne said.
"It's good you've got a good group of friends." He said.
"Tell him about Joe Dot." Rina butted in.
"Ooo whos this Joe we speak of?"
"Joes my boyfriend. He's lovely. His families really nice aswell. His sister Zoe is like one of my best mates now, his mum is lovely, and Zoe's boyfriend is like an older brother." Dianne said, instantly lighting up when talking about Joe.

"That's lovely Dot. So school, what's the crack with that?" He asked, Dianne had swerved the question each time.
"Dots having a hard time at school at the moment, it's not going the best." Rina said, knowing Dianne wasn't going to say anything.
"Aww what's happening dot?" He asked.
"Just people. I hate it at school, and I'm behind in most subjects, Joes helping because he's really smart but I hate the people. Not everyone, like my friend groups nice, and so is Joes, but people are really mean." Dianne said, now practically hugged the bear and accidentally pressing on the sound.
"Was that Joes voice?" Rina asked, Dianne nodded. "That's cute."
"Oh dot, I'm sure everything will sort It's self out at school. Your a bright kid, with a little extra help from that boyfriend of yours you'll be flying. And people are only mean because they are jealous." Her uncle told her, Dianne nodded, she wanted to believe this but couldn't.

"Mum can I go to my room and FaceTime Joe, he's having breakfast so he can FaceTime." Dianne asked, wanting to get out of this conversation.
"Go on then, not too long though." Rina said, Dianne thanked her and headed down the corridor to her bedroom and rang Joe straight away.

"Morning darling, well afternoon for you." Joe said as he answered the call.
"Morning, where are you? That's not your kitchen?" Dianne said, she didn't recognise the room that he was in.
"I'm at Caspars, I stayed last night." Joe said.
"Oh right, where's Caspar?"
"Making my breakfast, Casp come say hi to dot." Joe said calling Caspar over, he walked over to Joe and sat down next to him looking at the phone.
"Hiya Dianne, how's Australia. Seen any spiders?" Caspar asked.
"Hiya Caspar, Australia's good, it's nice being home. And no, I've not seen any spiders yet. We don't actually see that many, I live on the coast, not in the bush." Dianne said smiling.
"Oh right, so your near the beach?" Caspar asked.
"Yeah its like a 2 minute walk." Dianne told them.
"Can you show us? Or will it be too busy at the beach?" Joe asked.
"The beach will be silent. But yeah I'll show you. Let me get my shoes on and tell mum." Dianne said as she got up and walked out of her room. "Mum, I'm going the beach, I'm gonna show Joe it." She said as she walked into the kitchen.
"Okay, don't be too long. And don't go in the sea when your on your own. You know the rules." Rina said, Dianne nodded and headed out of the house.

"So this is the beach." Dianne said as she turned her camera round so the boys could see the beach.
"Wow, whys no one there?" Caspar asked. "If I loved this close I'd be there all the time! It's amazing!"
"You've got to remember, this is our autumn, you wouldn't go to a beach in autumn would ya." Dianne said.
"Oh yeah true, but your in Australia." Joe said. "You literally live in the most amazing place dot."
"I know, I miss it so much when I'm in the UK. To me, this is home, this area, Bunbury is home." Dianne said as she sat down on the sand. "It's just so relaxing and peaceful here. If I hadn't got scouted for SSS I would never have left."
"I'd love to come and see it one day. From the pictures you've sent so far and from this now it looks like a beautiful place." Joe said.
"Yeah definitely, next time you should come with." Dianne said. "I'm gonna go Joe, I might go for a run. I love a run in the beach. I'll call you tomorrow." Dianne said.
"Okay, have a good run. I miss you."
"I miss you too. See you soon."
"I love you, bye."
"I love you too, bye Joey, bye Caspar!"
"Bye Red!"

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