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A few weeks later
Day before dianne's birthday

It was a Friday and Dianne had just finished school and was sat in her room. Tomorrow would be her 15th birthday and she had a few things planned. Tonight Joe was coming round and they were going out for a meal and then Joe would be staying the night at hers and then tomorrow a few of her friends were coming round and they were going to go to the shopping center and go shopping and a meal. And then Saturday night Dianne was going to stay the night at Joes and Tracey was going to take Dianne to dance on Sunday as Joe had a meeting with someone in London.

"Right Dot, who's coming then tomorrow?" Rina asked her daughter as they started putting up decorations in the kitchen.
"So Joes obviously staying tonight and then Amelie and Bella from school are coming aswel as Ashley and Stacey." Dianne told her mum. Amelie and Bella were Dianne's closest friends from her new school.
"Lovely, is Joe staying all day and going shopping with you all?" Rina asked.
"I'm not sure, I didn't invite him but I mean, if he wants to he can." Dianne said. "I need to go and get changed for my meal with Joe."

Dianne had opted for a black mini dress and a pair of black heels. It wasn't often that she got this dresses up but for a birthday meal with her boyfriend, she thought it would be worth it. Joe had booked this meal a few weeks ago at one of Dianne's favourite restaurants in town. It was a small Italian, not the one they went to with their families, a fancier one.

"Dot, Joes here." Rina shouted up the stairs as Dianne was finishing off her makeup. She had opted for a bright red lip and then natural eye make up.
"Wow, look at you." Joe said as Dianne walked down the stairs.
"Thank you." She said quietly and gave him a hug. "Mum said she will drive us."
"Okay, should we get going now?" Joe suggested, Dianne nodded and they got into Rinas car.
"Hows school Joe?" Rina asked.
"Yeah it's good thanks, I miss Dot not being there but it's good." Joe said, "to be honest, everyone's missing you. I sit with Faye in English and shes always asking about you."
"Yeah, I've not spoken to her in ages, she's not coming tomorrow. Oh that's what I needed to ask you, it's up to you, I don't mind either way but tomorrow I'm going shopping with Bella, Amelie, Stacey and Ashley, do you wanna come aswell? You don't have to, it's up to you." Dianne asked.
"I don't mind, ask the girls, I don't want them feeling as if I'm intruding on your day out." Joe said.
"Okay, I'll ask them later." Dianne said.

"So your presents." Joe said as they were waiting for their dinner to arrive. "I've brought the main one with me now, the others are at your house to open in the morning."
"You didn't need to get me anything, just spending time with you is enough." Dianne said smiling.
"I did though, it's your birthday. So this present, I can't really give it you until the end of the month, but you know the May half term, so the week we get off at the end of may?" Joe said, Dianne nodded. "Well me and my family have booked to go to Portugal for the week, and we've booked you a ticket. So would you like to join us?" Joe asked.
"Oh my god, yeah! Thank you so much." Dianne said. "I've never been Portugal."
"Haven't you toured there?" Joe asked, sure he had heard Dianne talk about it before.
"Nope, well we did but I was really ill so we had a week in Portugal and I was on bed rest the whole week so didn't leave the hotel room." She told him.
"Oh god, what was up with you?" Joe asked.
"I've told you before haven't I, when I got ill on tour and had a few seizures." Dianne said as if it want nothing.
"What! You've never told me this." Joe explained, worried that she was still ill.
"Oh right. Yeah on tour, not just Portugal but Portugal was my first, but I had seizures. Later found out it was epilepsy. I can't believe you don't know this." Dianne said.
"I can't believe I didn't either, so do these still happen?" Joe asked.
"Nope, I'm on medication. It's the tablets I take in the morning, they stop them." Dianne told him. "I thought you knew."
"No, you never told me. I just thought those tablets were like vitamins or something." He laughed. "But your okay right?"
"Yeah I'm fine. I can feel them coming on so if I feel one coming on I'll get ready for it and ride it out, you can't stop it happening when it's starting." She said, "but I've not had one for like 6 months."
"Oh right, well that's good. When it's not your birthday I need you to teach me what to do incase you have one so I'm prepared." Joe told her.
"Yeah of course." Dianne laughed. "Now you know though, don't treat me any differently, like don't tread on egg shells around me and treat me like a patient." Dianne said, this was one of the reasons that she hadn't sat Joe down and told him about it.
"I won't, don't worry. Unless your ill, and you know I'm gonna do loads of research on it one day so I know everything to look out for." Joe laughed.
"I know you will, but if I'm feeling one coming I will let you know. But I've not had one for 6 months so I'm all good." Dianne said. "Oooo foods on the way." She said pointing over at the waiter who was bringing both their plates over.

"I wanna cuddle." Dianne said as she got into bed and cuddled into Joe. After their meal they had left the restaurant and gotten back to Dianne's, getting into their pyjamas and straight into bed.
"I love you you know." Joe said making Dianne laugh.
"I love you too." Dianne said. "And the girls said you can come if you want tomorrow. So can you come?"
"Yeah of course." Joe said. "Also thanks for being honest today, and telling me about the epilepsy." Joe said, he knew that deep down, Dianne was probably slightly embarrassed about it and probably didn't really want him knowing.
"Thank you for not freaking out." Dianne said quietly as she hugged him.
"There's no reason to freak out, your still you, if not a little more incredible." Joe laughed. "Now let's get some sleep coz tomorrow's a big day!" He said as he kissed her forehead, something he knew Dianne loved.
"Good night Joey."
"Goodnight Dotty."

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