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"Right, so what happened?" Joe asked as him and Dianne were sat on her sofa watching tv. He didn't want to ask her as soon as they woke up that morning, wanting her to chill out a bit.

Dianne explained everything to him. About the messages, the verbal abuse and then the physical. He couldn't believe it. The fact that this all kept happening after a few months of her being here. And what made it worse is that he could tell it was really getting to her. At the start she was strong about it and didn't let it get to her but now was a different story. Joe could see by just looking at her that it was effecting her. She was usually so happy and outgoing yet right now she was the complete opposite.

"I don't wanna go back. I'm not going to." Dianne said after she had told Joe everything.
"I promise you, we're all going to be their to help you. Me, Ashley knows, Stacey, Faye and Lauren will all be their with you. And I know my group will support you, Caspar was saying how much he misses you, he'll be their. Everyone's going to be looking out for you." Joe tried to reassure her.
"No, I'm not going. It won't stop anything, having you all supporting me, it's not going to stop them. I wanna leave. Or go home." She said, the last part she whispered, not really wanting Joe to hear it.
"Home, as in Australia?" Joe questioned, she nodded slightly. "Your going to 2 weeks in a few days. You will get a break and come back in a much better mindset. It will do you good being away for 2 weeks." Joe said.
"No, I want to go back permanently. It's awful over here, the only good thing is you." Dianne said.
"Hey, there's loads of good things here. You've got all your friends, not just at school but also dance. You moved over here for dance, and your doing fantastic. You don't want a few bullies to get in the way of your dreams now do we?" Joe said, hoping that he wasn't sounding too harsh but was also getting the point across.
"But it's not that. If it keeps happening they could hurt me so badly that I'm not able to dance. And then I'm done. That's why I need to leave the school." She told him.
"You need to think about it properly. I'm going to support you the whole time, weather that's with you at our school or at a different one."
"Thank you, can we do something different though now."

It was a few hours later and Joe and Dianne had just finished eating lunch and were sat watching modern family on Dianne's tv in her room.

"Joe." Dianne said after the episode had finished.
"Can we do more for your video?" She asked quietly.
"Yeah, do you feel up to it?" Joe asked, not wanting to push her to do much after the day she'd had so far.
"Yeah, can we do a sit down one though, like a question thingy one." Dianne asked .
"Yeah of course, we could do like a get to know Dianne video. There's been loads of comments asking questions about you so we could do that?" Joe suggested, Dianne nodded. "Fantastic, I've not got my camera but we can use my phone. You have one of those selfie lights don't you, those ring ones."
"Yeah, do you wanna film it in my room? Different back drop for you, a bit more girly." Dianne laughed.

Joe- hello and welcome back to another video. Today im joined by a very special guest. My girlfriend, Dianne. Say hi D,
Dianne- Hiya. And today's video was my idea, wasn't it Joe
Joe- kinda, Dianne suggested we do a video. We came up with the idea together. So what today's video is, if you haven't already guessed by the name of the video, it's a get to know Dianne video. You've all been leaving comments asking questions about Dianne and today we're going to answer them. Should we get started then Dot?
Dianne- Alrighty then.
Joe- so first question, how come you call her Dot? You wanna explain the meaning behind the name.
Dianne- yeah so my nicknames Dot. My whole family call me dot. It's after a tv show I was obsessed with when I was like 2 and so they started calling me dot and it kinda stuck. I never get called Dianne at home . But I only let certain people call me dot, and Joes one of the lucky ones.
Joe- pretty cool. So next question, is it true that Dianne toured the world before? Now Di, is it true?
Dianne- yeah it's true. I'm a professional dancer, everyone at schools found out so I don't mind everyone knowing now. But yeah I'm a professional dancer and I went on a world tour last year.
Joe- she is really talented. She can do all these flips and things. Right next question, where abouts in Australia is Dianne from? And then they've put, she's got the cutest little accent. Which I can agree with.
Dianne- aww thanks. So I'm from a small town called Bunbury which is in Western Australia, so near Perth. I was about 2 hours south of Perth. It's a little seaside town, so my school was right next to the beach. Can you understand my accent all the time Joe? Coz I sometimes get a bit lost when you talk.
Joe- gee thanks, I didn't know that. But no I understand you all the time, unless you talk Italian then I'm confused.
Dianne- yeah I speak quick then aswell. Oh yeah I'm Italian, I'm half Italian and am fluent. That's something else isn't it Joe.
Joe- yeah, so final question. When did you ask Dianne to be your girlfriend. And this person has added, I think she might be my favourite person ever. Well that's something we have in common, shes my favourite person aswell.
Dianne- cute, your mine aswell. After Megs and Briar.
Joe- oi, you can leave then.
Dianne- your in my house you can leave
Joe- alright then
Dianne- only joking, your my favourite. But, Joe asked me to be his girlfriend when we were out for brunch wasnt it. And then we went for a walk and to his grandparents. It was cute.
Joe- it was, so that's the end of the video, I've got a vlog coming out soon which is this whole week, it should be out just after this video I think. And then Dots going on holiday.
Dianne- yeah I'm going back to Australia for 2 weeks.
Joe- and then she'll be back. So if you have any videos you'd like us to do together, or with other people, comment them down below. And don't forget to, go on Di do you know.
Dianne- like the video, Err, comment and prescribe.
Joe- yep, prescribe me with some antibiotics or painkillers
Dianne- I used the wrong word didn't I.
Joe- yeah, subscribe. Your close enough. That's it, thanks for watching. Say bye Dianne
Dianne- bye Dianne
Joe - you idiot

"Good distraction?" Joe asked once he had turned the camera off, Dianne nodded.
"Thank you. Can you give me a massage?" Dianne asked as she lay down on her bed. Joe was going to be going home in a few hours as he was going into school tomorrow but then Dianne was going to go to his tomorrow night and stay the night.
"Really?" Joe said as he rolled his eyes.
"Pretty please. I'm stressed Joey, it will help." Dianne said, coming up with a reason why.
"Go on then. You lie down." Joe said.
"Can I take my top off?" Dianne asked quietly.
"If you want, I'm not gonna make you, do what you feel comfortable with." Joe said, Dianne nodded and took her top off, keeping on her bra and then lying down on her bed.
"You are quite tense to be fair, I'm gonna try and get these knots out, just breathe." He said as he reached a knot, not wanting to hurt her but also wanting to deal with it.
"Joey it hurts a bit." Dianne said quietly.
"Sorry, but you've got a massive knot, keep breathing Dotty." Joe said as he kissed her forehead.

"That's it, all done bubs, all good." Joe said as he had finished. He passed Dianne her top so she could put it back on.
"Thank you. I feel more relaxed." Dianne said giving him a hug. "I think your mums downstairs, talking to mine. It's probably time for you to go."
"Yeah probably, but I'll see you tomorrow night. If you wanna come straight after school."
"Yeah. And can we have fish and chips for dinner? I'll pay." Dianne asked.
"I'll ask my mum, but you will not be paying."

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