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It was now Monday and Dianne was with her mum outside a new school, they were going to have a look around it and ask questions to see if this would be the right school for Dianne. Yesterday after speaking to Craig about the homeschooling scheme, Dianne decided that she didn't want to do it, she didn't like the idea of doing everything at home and not having as much social times.

"Hello, you must be Mrs Buswell and Dianne is it?" The receptionist asked, they nodded. "Well welcome to Hedgewood high, Miss Hills, the head of year 10 will be here in a minute to show you round and answer any questions you've got."
"Thank you." Rina said and then saw a young blonde teacher walk in.
"Hiya, I'm Miss Hills and I'm the head of year 10, which is the year your in if I'm correct Dianne?" She checked.
"Yeah year 10."
"Fabulous, so first I'll get to know you before we do the tour, so what subjects do you take as your GCSEs in your current school." She asked.
"I do the normal, maths, English, science and then Spanish, history, art and dance." Dianne replied.
"Fabulous, we do all those subjects here apart from Spanish so you would have to swap your language, we do German and Italian so the choice would be yours."
"I'm fluent in Italian so I would take Italian." Dianne said.
"Fantastic. So are you a dancer or do you just take it as an option? Only because here we have strict policies on who can take dance." She asked.
"Yeah I'm a dancer, I do ballroom and Latin." Dianne said.
"Okay, you would have to show a video of you dancing before we can put you on the course but you should get on. Anyways, shall we go and have a look round?" The pair nodded and followed the teacher around the school.

The went round the school and Dianne loved it. They had an actual dance studio which you were allowed to hire out after school and during lunch. And everyone seemed really nice. They had spoken to a few teachers and students who would be in her year and everyone was lovely.

"So what do you reckon?" Miss Hills asked.
"When can she join?" Rina asked, knowing Dianne would want ro move.
"Next Monday? Gives you time to buy the uniform."
"Fantastic. Have you got any forms for us to fill in?" Rina asked, the teacher nodded and got out a booklet of forms for her to fill out.
"Dianne do you have a video on you of you dancing? I'll get the dance teacher in and she can double check that you can take it." Miss Hills asked.
"Yeah I've got loads."
"Fantastic, I'll just go and grab the teacher. I'll be 2 minutes." She said and headed out the room.
"I love it mum!" Dianne said straight away.
"So so I, it will hopefully be so much better." Rina replied. They carried on chatting until the teacher came back in with another woman who Dianne assumed was the dance teacher.
"Are you Dianne Buswell?" The teacher asked, Dianne nodded. "Let's see this video then."
"What one would you like? Like what style? Or a class video or freestyle?" Dianne asked.
"What's your main style?"
"Ballroom or Latin, most probably ballroom." Dianne said.
"Okay, so just show a ballroom video that you think is one of your best." They said, Dianne nodded and got a video up of when she was on tour.
"Fantastic, you can definitely do dance, and probably give my dancers a run for their money." The dance teacher said.
"She's a professional you know." Rina butted in.
"Mum, stop."
"A professional? Do elaborate."
"I went on tour last year, and currently train at strictly starter studios in London." Dianne said.
"Oh fabulous. I need to head off to my lesson but I'll see you next week Dianne, I look forward to working with you." They said and then headed off.
"Right thats everything filled out, I look forward to seeing you on Monday, in the mean time, if you could just get the uniform, your current school will send over your grades so we can put you into the correct sets. Have a good week Dianne." Miss Hills said.
"Thank you, see you on Monday." Dianne said and then headed out. It's was now around 2:30 and Joe was going round to Dianne's after school so she had just under and hour until he came over.

"You happy Dot?" Rina asked when they got into the car.
"Yeah, it seems like a really good school. I can't wait to start. I'll miss my friends but it's not like I'll never see them." Dianne said.
"Yeah, you will still see them all the time. And Joe, I'm sure you two will try and see eachother most days."
"Yeah we will. He's coming round in a bit. He can stay for dinner right?" Dianne checked.
"Yeah of course he can, he's always welcome Dot. You know that. Now, do you want to go into school for your last week or stay off? It's completely up to you, I don't mind what you choose." Rina asked.
"I wanna go in. I will be fine, I'm with Ash for most lessons and when I'm not with her I'm in art with Joe. I don't wanna just leave without saying bye to anyone." Dianne said.
"Okay, well if at any point you want to come home, ring me and I'll try and get you, if not I'm sure Tracey would."

It was a bit later and Joe had just arrived at Dianne's and they were sat cuddled in her bedroom.
"I'm moving." Dianne said causing Joe to look up.
"I take it you liked the school then?" Joe asked, Dianne nodded and went on to tell him all about the school and how good it was, and her favourite part, the dance studios.
"When are you moving?" Joe asked, he was gonna miss her a lot, but he knew they would still see eachother all the time.
"Monday I start. I'm coming in all this week so I can enjoy my last week." Dianne said.
"You should have a leaving party, with your group and a few of your other friends." Joe suggested.
"My house isn't big enough."
"Have It at mine, mum will be fine with it, she suggested you have one." Joe said.
"Are you sure?" Joe nodded. "Okay, I'll send out a message now. For Saturday?"

Dianne's leaving party GC
Dianne - Hiya guys, so I'm moving schools on Monday due to everything that's been going on. This Saturday I'm having a leaving party kinda thing but it will be at Joes house ( 6 Lord Crescent) at 6pm - late. If you can come, let me know xx

"Who's on the group chat then?" Joe asked.
"So you, ash, stace, Faye and Lauren and then Riley and Jessie, there in my maths. And then Caspar, Conor, Jack, Josh, Byron, Oli, Evie, Ambar, Ellie and Emily." Dianne said.
"That's a good lot." Joe said.
"Yeah I wanted to invite your group because they were the first people I met and spoke to and became friends with." Dianne told him.
"That's nice, I'm sure they will appreciate the invitation and will definitely come."

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