First Date

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When Thursday rolled around you started to feel the nervousness about your first date with Hailee. You were in the shop getting ready to close up for day when you heard your text alert go off. 

Hailee: Hey! I can't wait for tomorrow! I left a package by the back door of the shop for you. Can't wait to see you in what I picked out. I'll pick you up around 6 if that is still ok?

You look at your phone slightly confused and then walk to the back door. When you open it you see the package sitting there. You grab it and take it into your office. You take off the ribbon and open the box to reveal an elephant onesie. You grab your phone to text Hailee back.

You: Hey just opened the package, you want me to wear this on our date?

Hailee: haha yes! I promise it will make sense. 

You: I feel like when I walk out of the house tomorrow when you say you're there to pick me up Ashton is going to jump out and yell "you've been punk'd" haha

Hailee: I would never do that to you... at least not on the first date! Can you trust me on this one? 

You: wait... do you have some type of furry fetish? I feel like I should know this ahead of time just in case. 

Hailee: NO! Don't get me wrong, I have some kinks but that is not one of them! 

You: ooo kinks! sparked my interest haha if it takes wearing an elephant onesie to eventually learn about your kinks then count me in! and yes tomorrow at 6 is still good for me

Hailee: perfect! I'll see you then ;)

You: can't wait. 

You put your phone down back on your desk and hold up the elephant onesie. It was soft and pretty cute for a onesie. If anything besides looking weird on a first date, you knew you would be comfortable. You tried to think of what the date could be but knowing Hailee it could literally be anything. After closing the stop you head home. You find it hard to fall asleep because you're a bit too anxious and nervous but eventually you drift off to sleep. You wake the next morning and head into the shop to help pass the time. You need to get your mind off your date and the shop was the best place. There is always something to do. You cleaned and stocked the shelves, answered emails and even started to think of new designs for another line. When it hit 4 pm you headed home. You took a shower and did your hair. You left it down and straight. You rarely wear makeup but you put you put on the basics just to help your eyes pop a bit more and some gloss to make your lips look good. The last thing to do was put on your onesie and head down to the living room to wait for Hailee to arrive. Although you were nervous for your date, putting on the onesie made you laugh to yourself and you found yourself relaxing a bit. Before you knew it it was 6 pm and you heard a knock on the door. When you opened it you saw Hailee in a blue unicorn onesie. 


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You instantly forgot everything including how to breathe. She looked incredible even in a onesie. 

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