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Day One

Text conversation

Hailee: Made it onto my plane. I'll text you when I land. I love you. Miss you already. ❤❤💋💋

You: Have a safe trip babe. Love you too miss you more. 💕😘

Hailee: Landed safe. Just got into the car to take me to meet up with the bus. The whole plane ride all I did was listen to music and look at pictures of us. As much as I can't wait to be on tour, I can't wait to be home with you. 

You: Don't worry about me. I want you to have a blast on tour. Live the next 3 weeks like you're single and enjoy every second. I'll be here waiting for you when you get home. 

Hailee: act like I'm single? are you breaking up with me already??? 😥

You: Never! I promise I'm not. I just want you to take this time for you and not worrying about me or making time for me. I don't want you to miss out because of me. I don't want you to regret anything down the road because you didn't live this time up to its fullest. 

Hailee: aww babe. Thank you, but I am still going to bug you whenever I get the chance. I will miss you too much if I don't. Just got to the bus. Going to get myself settled in and meet everyone. I love you. 

You: I love you too. 

Later that night

You are sitting at your desk in your office, doing all the end of the day stuff at the shop. The day went by pretty quickly as the shop was pretty busy. Your phone starts to ring. Its a facetime call from Hailee. You quickly pick it up and swipe to answer. On the screen comes Hailee's face lite by a small light. 

"Hey baby!" Hailee says quietly but excitedly. 

"Hii! where are you?" you question. 

"I'm in my bunk on the bus. It's 10 pm here so everyone is headed to bed which is why I'm talking quiet. I just wanted to see your face before I went to sleep." Hailee said as she placed her head down on her pillow. 

"I miss your face. How was meeting everyone? Seem like it'll be a fun tour?" you ask. 

"Everyone is really nice and we all had dinner together and got to know each other which was fun. I think its going to be a good time. I can't wait to get on stage. The way they were talking about the crowds makes me really excited." 

"that's good babe, I'm glad your first day went well." 

"How was your day?" Hailee asks making sure to not make the whole conversation about her. 

"It was busy went by fast. It was a nice distraction to keep my mind off of missing you. Hopefully the next three weeks goes by as fast as today." you reply sounding tired. 

"I hope so too. I mean I want to enjoy tour and all but I really do miss you and its only day one." Hailee says as her eyes start to look sleepy. 

"You should get some rest you have a really busy day tomorrow with interviews and sound check and all that fun tour stuff. I love you." You make a kissy face to the camera on your phone "MUAH"

"MUAH, I love you too. I'll try to call you tomorrow on one of our breaks." 

Hailee hangs up the call and you sit back in your chair, letting the feeling of missing her take over you. "It's only 3 weeks" you say to yourself. 

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