Fashion Show Part 2

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Still stunned by the arrival of Cameron with Hailee, you take a few steps forward following the assistant to the first press interview. Hailee came up next to you as Cameron stood off to the back. You were glad that he had stepped back so that the press would hopefully not ask Hailee questions about him. You don't think you are exactly ready to hear the story especially in such a public place. The first interviewer asked the basic questions; what does the brand stand for and who the target customer is. As you start talking about the brand you feel your body relax and you stopped thinking about Cameron. You and hailee worked the interviews very well, hyping up the brand as well as answering the questions together, feeding off of each others answers. It felt nice to see how you both had just the instant connection that worked so well together, it was as if you had done interviews together for longer than just that day.

3/4ths of the way down the red carpet was a stage for all the photographers with a nice backdrop ready. The assistant leads you and Hailee to the X's put on the carpet to mark your places. Hailee steps in close next to you and puts her arm around your waist. Following her lead you do the same and she glances over at you with big smile. You almost forgot how good it felt being so close to Hailee. You glance back and see that Cameron has clenched fists and his jaw is rather tense. 

"hmm that's odd" you think to yourself. Why was he so worked up? You were the one that got blindsided by their relationship! It should be you with clenched fists ready to fight. As you continue on down the carpet to finish up the rest of the interviews you notice that Hailee tends to reach over and touch your arm gracefully whenever she was able to fit it into the conversation casually without being to obvious. Everything that has happened so far today as made your head start to hurt with confusion. First she shows up with Cameron, then she puts her arm around you for photos and gives you that cute smile and now she is doing flirty arm touches whenever she gets the chance. 

At the end of the carpet you are lead into a reception room with standing tables and a small wet bar. Everyone that has walked the carpet so far are walking around and chatting amongst each other with a glass of wine or a beer. The idea of alcohol brought a smile to your face as you could use a drink to relax from this awkward day. As you and Hailee step into the reception room, Cameron quickly takes his place possessively next to Hailee pulling her in close to him. You see a frustrated glance dance across Hailee's face that she quickly chases away with a forced smile. Why would she bring him here if she didn't want him here? Why would she introduce him as her boyfriend if she looks that uncomfortable around him? More questions came to mind than you wanted nor had time for. 

"oh I can go for a glass of wine, Cameron, can you please get Y/N and I both a glass of white wine? we will be right over here at this table." Hailee asks with a cute almost childlike voice. 

"Why don't you come with me Hailee that way you can help carry a glass since I only have two hands?" Cameron asked back. 

"Y/N and I need to talk about the next part of the night, you can do it babe, pleaseeee I am so thirsty" Hailee begged with a puppy dog face and a small kiss to his cheek. 

Cameron huffed and walked off to get drinks. 

"Y/N, I know I need to explain all of this to you and I know I don't have time to do it now but I promise you there is a reason for all of this." Hailee instantly starts to talk as Cameron walks away. 

"Hailee, you don't have to explain anything to me. We weren't exclusive, you can be with whoever you want to be with. Its ok. There isn't a need to talk about it." you reply trying to seem as if you weren't angry and hurt on the inside. 

"I don't want to be with him but I have to. I will explain everything when we have time to talk. Maybe after the event tonight?" Hailee asks still pushing the issue that she needs to explain her decisions. You are unsure if you even want to hear what she has to say. 

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