The fashion show finale.

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You slowly close the door after Hailee enters. She continues to ramble on about how sorry she is about everything and how much she has to explain but you quickly interrupt her by grabbing her and hugging her tight. She stops talking only to start crying. 

"hey hey now, why are you crying?" you say as you pull away a little to look at her face and take your thumb to wipe away a tear. 

"I just needed that soo much and I didn't think I would ever have it again." Hailee manages to get out in between her staggered breaths trying to calm herself down. 

"I wanted to do that all day today, go make yourself comfortable on the couch and ill grab us some waters." Hailee headed off to the living room, first stopping in the bathroom to grab some tissue to wipe her face and nose. You go to the kitchen and pull out two cold waters from the fridge along with a bag of sour patch kids. You had a feeling you both might need something to snack on during this conversation. When you walk into the living room you see Hailee curled up on one end of the couch under one of your fleece throw blankets. You stand for a second to just admire her. It didn't matter to you that she was dressed in her oversized sweats, and although she looked exhausted, you still found her beautiful. You walk over and hand her the water and set the snacks on the table. You take a seat on the couch right next to her. You knew the conversation she needed to have wasn't going to be easy for her to get out so you wanted to make sure you didn't put too much distance between you so that you could comfort her when needed. With everything that happened today you wanted to be mad at her and tell her how bad you were hurt to see her with Cameron, but looking at her sad face you could see there was more to the story than what it appeared. 

"Ok, before you start I want you to know that we don't have to do this tonight, you look so tired you can rest here and we can talk tomorrow if you want." you offer. 

"Thank you but I don't think I'll be able to sleep feeling like I am. I saw the hurt on your face when Cameron got out of the car and I need to explain."

"You really don't have to explain. If he is who you want to be with, I can't change that. I just kind of wish I had a heads up, but it's okay. We both knew when this started that you were still figuring yourself out and it looks like you have."  You say trying to be understanding without showing just how hurt you really are. 

 "You are who I want to be with, not him." Hailee said quietly while looking down at her hands that was fidgeting with the cap of the water bottle. She slowly brought her eyes up to yours. "I know now more than I ever have that it is YOU that I truly want to be with, but it's not that easy." 

"If it's me you want to be with, why did you introduce Cameron as your boyfriend?" you ask confused. 

"He stopped over my house earlier today with flowers and candy and a long speech about how much he loves me and wants me back. That he can't live without me. I tried to tell him that I didn't feel the same way back. We were going back and forth almost to the point of fighting about it, when I had to excuse myself from the room to get something to drink. When I returned he held up my phone and asked me if you were the reason I didn't want to get back together. He had read our text messages and saw the one you had just sent about making up our second date. I tried to tell him it wasn't what he thought it was but he then started to say how he always kind of felt like there was something missing from our relationship and now he knew."

Hailee turned and put her feet on the ground and the water bottle on the table. She bent over slightly resting her elbows on her legs and put her head between her hands as she started to cry again.  You get off the couch and go over and grab Hailee a few more tissues. You scooted closer to her and started to rub her back gently letting her know that you were there for her. You didn't say anything, you just let her get out her emotions and you both sat in silence. When Hailee had composed herself again she started back talking. 

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