Chapter 2

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Harry P.O.V.

He just kissed me! I can't believe it, Louis Tommlinson just kissed me. His lips brushed against mine, gently at first, then he put passion into it. His lips tasted even better than I imagined. They were so soft. It was different than kissing a girl, but for me it felt so much better. He ran his hand throug my hair, I knew he loved my curls! I was waiting for him to give me access to his tongue. They immediately intertwined. Suddenly, when I was least expecting it, he pulled away.

"No, Boo!" I put on a sad face. but he smiled at me and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

"What are we doing, Harry?" he asked worryingly, but he was still smiling.

"I don't know, but I don't care! I've been crazy for you Louis. And I can't believe all this time, you felt the same way." I kissed him, just so he wouldn't protest anymore. He got on top of me and started to kiss my neck. I didn't wanted him to stop. When our bodies touched eachother, I let out a moan.

"Shh, Hazz. You don't want the boys to hear." he coverd my lips with his finger and flashed a naughty smile. I smiled too. And then we got back to kissing. I ran my hands all over his body, only coverd by a towel. But something kept bothering me.

"Listen, we can't do this yet!" I suddenly came out and said what was on my mind.

He looked at me with a really surprised look. "You think that we should talk about this frist?"

"Yes...We can't rush into this, you know? We don't know what this is." I kept going on and on. He looked disappointed. "I'm sorry Boo." I gave him a peck on the cheek, and I left the room.


still Harry P.O.V. 

"...Kiss You!" Liam was talking about something, but the only word I heard was 'Kiss', so I panicked right away.

"What? I didn't kiss anyone, especially Louis. I'm not gay!" I said and I started to sweat. The boys gave me a freaked-out look.

"What are you talinkg about, Hazz? Of course you didn't and of course you're not." Zayn said and Niall just stared at me with an open mouth.

"We were just talking about what songs we're gonna be preforming in Hawaii. You know, we're leaving in a week?" Liam raised one eyebrow. I just grabbed a hoddie, and my phone.

"I gotta gay...GO! F-For a...a w-walk!" I said as I was walking away, and when I turned to the door I bumped into them and fell on the ground.

The boys didn't even try to help me. They stood there, eyeing me and giving me a 'what the fuck is wrong with you man' look.

I finally got out of there. I needed to be alone with my thoughts. I was feeling really confused. Why did I do that? And was it a good decision to tell Louis about my feelings? I really need to clear my head right now. 

Just as I was walking down the street, my phone beeped. I pulled it out of my back pocket. It was a text from Lou:

Hey Hazz, I'm sorry if things went too fast. I was thinking we might wanna talk bout this in person? Would you meet me for coffe at Café Cuba,let's say in 5?  

I read it over a few times. No! you don't have to feel sorry Boo. The kiss between us was the best thing that happend to me. I don't want you to feel guilty. I just want you to fuc...oh damn my perverted thoughts! 

Okay Boo-Bear, we're fine, don't sweat it. But ur probably right. C u in 5. Luv ya xoxo

Oh no! I said 'luv ya'? Oh for crying out loud Harry!

I turned around, since Café Cuba was on the other side and started to walk faster, so I would actually make it there in 5.  

Louis P.O.V. 

I was holding my phone, anxiously waiting for it to make a noise. When it finally bleeped, I almost fell out of the chair I was sitting in. It was from Harry, of course.

Okay Boo-Bear, we're fine, don't sweat it. But ur probably right. C u in 5. Luv ya xoxo

'Aw, that is SO cute!' ran through my mind. But then I realised...Luv ya? He loves me? Okay, now we definitely have to have the talk. I put on a blue-white striped t-shirt, blue skinny jeans and my white Convers and ran out on the street. It was chilly outside, I probably should have taken a jacket at least. I turned around a couple of times, when I finally saw those beaitiful green eyes. He was looking into the ground, but smiling. 

"Hey you! Why aren't you wearing any jacket, you're going to catch a cold." He started to take his coat off. "Here..." he kept smiling and helped me put it on.

"But Hazz, now you're going to freez." I said in protest.

"No, Jimmy protested!" he shouted out, obviously quoting me. But I laughed anyway.

We were walking for a little while, when we finally reached the Café. I took Harry's coat off and hanged it by the door. He walked to the otherside od the Café, and chose a box in the right corner. He threw him self into a comfy, red bean-bag. 

"Hey, scoot over!" I gave him a grin, and threw myself next to him.

When the waitress came, we both order some Coco with cinnamon-sprkinkles on top. He turned around a bit and yet again...smiled at me! I couldnt help, but laugh at how cute he was.

"You make me smile, Harry Styles!" I said, smiling at him too.

We just sat there for a long time, smiling at each other like complete idiots. But idiots that were probably in love. But I knew I had to break the silence after a while.

"Okay, I should probably start. Harry, I'm in love with you. I've been for quite some time now really. And, I was afraid to ruin our friendship. I mean, what would the other boys say? What would the whole world say? But, when you came to my room, I knew right then, that we're going to be OK, because we're going to face it all together." I spoke from the heart, and I would have kept talking, if he hadn't put his index finger on my lips. 

"Louis Tommlinson, I am completly and love with you!" When he said those words, I just couldn't wait any more and I had to kiss him. And our lips were together again. This is how it was supposed to be, I didn't realise there were pepole around us. It was just the two of us. He ran his fingers throug my hair and it felt really good. I took his chin, and pulled him closer, if it was even possible. But I had to pull away now, or other wise I'd probably fuck this gorgeos boy right here, right now! I didn't want to break the kiss, it felt so good. But it was like Harry read my mind, and after all, he was the one that pulled away.

"We probalby shouldn't do this in public, Boo. And, I must say, that I wanted to rip off all of your clothes, so it's for the best!" I laughed at the last part. We finished the last of our Coco and decided to head back home.  

You Make Me Smile (A Larry Fan-fic)Where stories live. Discover now