Ch 2 My Doom...

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"Beatrice, did she give you the clothes?" Mother walks up to me in her nice day dress "Yes mama," I hand her the bag of baby clothes. She smiles looking through them "Yes, yes quiet nice! I'll have to thank Mrs.Reese later for her good work!" Mother says cheerfully, looking at the fabric of the baby clothes.

"Come on dear, we'll be late for the meeting." Father says to her, taking the clothes and handing them to Indigo, who runs to put them in the house. "Oh yes, my apologies husband! I just can't help myself." He smiles kissing her temple "Come let's go children." Father says once Indigo returns.

My family and I arrive at the town meeting, in the open fields. Where the meeting is being held, it's a big field off to the side of our town. Beside the fields that seem to just go on forever, but I know they are just only a day's ride to other towns. Is a forest that embodies another world, one very different from our own.

I look off in it's direction, everyone knows to never go in. The forest and the lands beyond it belong to a Queen named Ziva, she is not human like all the creatures in or past the forest barrier.

As a child I was always curious about the forest, but knew to never go in. Children have died for wandering too far, and not just children, anything that gets close will surely die.

So during meetings like this parents are aware to watch their children closely.

"Beatrice?"  I take my eyes from the forest to see Emmetts worried gaze. "Yes?" I ask, not knowing if he had said anything. "You've been quiet since you got back from Mrs.Reeses', are you alright? Did something happen?" He takes my hand in his, looking down at me with worry.

I smile, not wanting to give anything away about me meeting Parker. "I am fine, brother. Didn't get much sleep is all." He smiles from that amusingly "I bet, not many of us did with how loud mother and father were being!" I blush hitting his arm playfully "Don't speak of such things, it is rude!" Emmett chuckles with a boyish smile, I look away smiling myself, but not wanting him to know.

"I remember when Clay would take us outside at night when they got too loud, but now there's too many of us for that. They'd surely find out." He smiles at the fawn memory, I do the same feeling a lot better talking to my brother. "Yes I miss it a lot. It's a shame we've all come of age now, besides our younger siblings." He looks down at me fondly "Yes, before long Clay will be leaving us and I'll soon follow."  He says with a bitter tilt to the corner of his lips, just a slight shadow of a frown before it is replaced with a bright smile.

"Come, the meeting will be starting soon." He takes my hand gently and leads me to our family.

I walk up to them with Emmett, Liv smiling up at us. " The forest is really pretty." She looks off to the dark forest behind us "Even if it's a little scary." She giggles nervously, looking up at me shyly, I smile trying to comfort her. "I believe you can find beauty in dark places, just be careful not to get hurt by things that may look beautiful, but are quite deadly on the inside." I say in a bit of a warning, I don't want her getting too curious about the forest.

She nods in understanding "I understand, I'll be careful." She says with a sweet smile, I smile back cupping her cheek with my hand in a show of affection.

"I heard the big forest has monsters in it!" Isaac pipes up out of nowhere "Yes it does, and you'd stay clear of it if you don't want to get eaten." Clay answers looking down at little Isaac with authority, crossing his arms to get the point across.

Isaac hides behind my legs, making me giggle softly. Clay gives me a pointed look, but I can't help but keep smiling. "Clay is right Isaac, you have to be careful or we may never see you again and you us." Isaac nods his head on the back of my thigh, clinging to me in a scared way. I let my hand and fingers run through his hair to comfort him, kneeling down to meet his eyes.

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