7. Scarlet Warrior

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Arabella had a servant from the castle to come and bring Kefi to my room, and get the things necessary to raise him. Kefi didn't seem too happy about leaving my side, but I wanted to look around some more and I didn't need him tripping me or anyone else.

I'll bring him something back for him as an apology.

The laughter of young children and adults fill my ears, young fauns and centaurs dask by. It looks like they're playing a form of tag. The sight of them fralicking warms my heart, the reir back on their hind legs before dashing off again.

A pair of young female fauns and centaurs trot over, stopping once they spot me. They all look stunned for a moment, and I worry if I have something on my face.

The blonde long-curly haired centaur steps forward timidly, slowly making her way to me. The others look at her like she's crazy, they stay close together like I'm gonna eat them or something.

I fall onto my knees to seem less threatening, the blonde pauses watching me. Her beautiful tail swings from side to side, her coat is a pale cream color making her skin glow. She has beautiful blue clear eyes, curious with wonder.

I smile at her once she moves closer "Hello." I greet her softly, trying my best to not spook her. "Hi." She smiles a rosy smile at me, her tail swinging faster. "My name is Beatrice." The young girl nods, a smile still on her face. "I know! Your one of the chosen!" She says happily, looking me all over like I'm a painting on display.

A smirk reaches my lips "Why are you and the others so hesitant to come to me?" I ask as she sits next to me, she looks at me then the others before back at me again. "We were nervous, Ma says, not to bother the chosen." She blushes, gesturing for the other girls to come over. They automatically dash over and surround me.

"Your hair is really pretty." A faun says, her little deer tail flicking with silent excitement. I smile at all the young girls, all of them very beautiful and cute. "Thank you, I love your spots." I say to the one that complimented my hair.

She blushes and looks away bashfully "May I braid it?" Another asks, looking up to me for permission. I smile and nod "Of course I would love that!" All the girls glow up with excitement, all of them getting straight to work.

We talk and laugh about everything and anything under the sun. They asked if I met a lot of males and if I already have a favorite. They even gave me suggestions, which bloo my mind! These girls are too young for such talk, though nothing inappropriate has been meantcened thankfully. I don't think I could have a talk like that with them just yet, maybe when they're older.

Two older looking boys trot over "We were looking for you all. What are-" The older boy pauses noticing me, he blushes at seeing my braids, stumbling back slightly. "Doesn't she look pretty!" One of the girls asks, both the boys too stunned to answer. The girls glower at them in distaste, but the eldest nods his head.

Older fauns and centaurs gallop over the hill, stopping once they see us. "There you girls are, we were looking for you." One of the older female centaurs says, looking to me with shocked eyes, just now realizing I'm here.

The girls get up and trot over to those who look like their parents. I get to my feet smiling at them all, I look about just now realizing that a lot of eyes are on me from all over the field. I guess I got too distracted with the girls.

"I'm sorry I kept them too long!" I bow my head in respect, my new braids dangling down my face. "Oh not at all! Thank you for keeping them company, we know they can be a handful." One of the women speaks up with a chuckle, the others laughing light heartedly as well.

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