Ch 3 Welcome

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Gert leads the big weird wolf beast through the rest of the medowie forest. My heart flutters at the sight of any life I am able to see move in the forest.

All the other girls seem to be scared or not wanting to bother to look around. Though my curiosity gets the best of me, of course.

A part of me just wants to forget all the stuff that happened only hours ago. I refuse to let myself break down, I have to keep everything together.

I still don't know how these creatures act, I don't completely trust them just yet. Even if Gert said he didn't want to hurt us, I would be stupid to let my guard down.

So for the moment I'll take peace from this forest of unusual things and creatures I've never seen.

I don't bother to try and talk to any of the girls. They all seem to be thinking hard about what's happening to us at the moment. In which I don't blame them, all of this is a lot, I'm proud of myself for keeping an open mind.

"Do you think we can really trust his word?" Willow asks the caramel haired girl I still don't know the name of.

I should really ask her sometime, but no time seems like the right time too.

"Right now we can't trust anything. From what I've seen so far and if what he said was true. This goat is just a messenger boy." My eyes widen at her words, this girl really has some guts.

I look over to see if Gert heard her words, and to my surprise he was smiling like a little boy given a sweet treat. I'm so baffled by the whole thing I have no words to say. Though thankfully he's smile didn't seem like one filled with evil intent.

Caramel girl really needs to watch herself, yeah Gert seems nice enough, but I doubt the beast we see from now on will be.

"So your point is?" Lucy questions looking at caramel girl, trying to grasp the situation. "He's here to purposely make us feel comfortable." Caramel girl states, looking at all the girls that have leaned in to listen.

"That can mean many things, so trusting him is not a good idea just yet." She leans back and looks at Willow, who appears to have lost all color in her face.

No one said anything after and we all silently agreed to give each other some space to think.

Before long, we leave the forest behind and a huge kingdom is in the distance. The structure was magical, things I've only read to be described in story books.

I will get to go to a kingdom, a kingdom of monsters, but still a kingdom! From this far everything looks so magical and neat, which is kind of surprising for savage beast.

Everyone looks to be in awe at the kingdom before us. The sun is at its highest peak in the sky, giving the kingdom a radiant shiny glow! I can't take my eyes off it, surprisingly it makes me feel excited!

Yes, I've been taken away from my home, most likely to never see my family again. But! I've always been the type of person to look on the bright side, kind of had to be with how I grew up.

"Welcome to the kingdom of Kroba! This will be your home for a few months, if you choose to leave that is." Gert says cheerfully, the wolf beast looking excited to see their home as well. "If we choose to leave?" Lucy questions, looking toward Gert for an answer.

"Yes, not back to your village of course, but to other places in the kingdom!" You can tell he would rather not dawn on the fact that all of us won't ever be going home again.

Lucy doesn't say anything after that, I think she had a little hope that we could go back. With how the towns people treated us I doubt they'd let us come back.

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