Ch 1 My Family

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The sun was so blinding, my vision slightly emparend looking up into the clear endless blue sky. The wind whipping at my hair, the smell of the wild flowers in full boom out in the wide open fields.

The water at my sides lapping at the wooden bucket its contained in. Seeming as if it too wants to run far away into the distant sun.
I stand there a moment listening to the branches of the trees moving with the wind, making a soothing natural lullaby.

I let out a soft breath, every muscle in my body relaxing, becoming one with my surroundings. Until of course my time alone and relaxed has been shattered " Beatrice! Get your ares in here with that water!" My mother yells out from the window within the house.

I sigh not wanting this little time I have to end, but as I'm told, I walk toward the house.

"What took you so long child?! Your brother needs the water to bathe!" I place the two buckets next to the big barrel "Sorry mother, I thought I saw one of the chickens running in the fields."

I lie of course, if she knew I was just standing around enjoying the sun she'd have my head!

She huffs picking up Isaac and placing him into the barrel, the poor boy looking helpless at the bottom.

"Get him clean while I get dinner ready with your sisters." She leaves without waiting for my response, I sigh softly before looking down at Isaac. He looks up at me in all his bareness, giving me a sweet smile " Did you see any bunnies while getting the water?" He asked very curiously, I couldn't help but smile, putting one of the buckets on the small table. " I saw a little brown one across the river." I told him seeing he's cute chubby face light up with wonder.

"Come now, we gotta wash ya before mother has my head." He smiles cheekily before turning around, I pick up the bucket on the ground, pouring it into the barrel.

He yelps slightly from the cold water, I chuckle understanding the feeling. I place the empty bucket on the table next to the other. Grabbing the full one again and pouring just enough to get it to his armpits.

He shivers slightly, he's little body trying to naturally warm up. I grab the home made soup and start washing him all over quickly. "Don't worry, you don't have to stay in long."

After the bath, I dry him off and place him in clean clothes. "Feel better?" I ask, he's fluffy light blonde hair going out in all directions.

He nods "Now I'm hungry!" He says cheerfully, reaching out his hands to be picked up. I do as he wants, letting him be little as long as he can.

"Alright let's go see if mother and our sisters are done!" I say cheerfully smiling at him, he nods his head excitedly.

We walk into the kitchen, Isaac on my hip, my older brothers already at the dinner table.

"Go ahead and sit Isaac down my dear, and pass out the table wear." Mother says from the stove, I put Isaac down in his slightly lifted seat. While going to the kitchen to get what is needed I hear some 'whispers' at the bread table "I heard mother yelling at her again..." I look to see, and of course I find Camila talking to poor Indigo. Indigo seems to be doing most of the work.

I roll my eyes, not paying any mind to them and set out the table wear.

Once mother and my sisters start putting food on the table, father walks into the house. "Welcome home father!" We all say in union, all of our faces lighten up. He smiles at us all, sweat glistening down his face from the hard labor at the market.

"Good to see all your faces." His rich deep voice sounding like a rich home melody.

My mother and sisters sit right after father does. I take a seat right next to him and Emmett, Emmett is the second oldest, his closest to my age and we're just close in general. We did everything together as kids, but since we've started to become of age, we've had to drift a bit.

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