8. Novak

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"Well to start off warrior Yvaine can actually control blood." Arabella explains, I look at her shocked. That sounds horrible...

"I know it sounds unpleasant, my lady, but he has helped many people with it. He doesn't use it often." She gives me a reassured smile. It's hard to believe such a gentle person has such a scary ability.

"As I'm sure you know our fairy prince uses air magic, much like myself. Faires have more elemental affinities than most but others also share that trait, like the nymphs for example." It kinda makes sense, the fairies and nymphs are very down to earth and care very much about nature.

"Come, my lady. Your first lesson is to ride and bond to a irhoth." She says taking my hand and leading me to the door.

On the way Arabella explained what the irhoth are. She said they can live up to one hundred and seventy five years. They have up to four babies every six years.

The females mate for life, but males are secretly promiscuous. The Irhoth family group is large, has a strong bond and is led by the mother. Young males leave to join new families when they are of breeding age.
They communicate by tapping and thudding the ground, and have an affinity for shiny objects.

We finally make it out to the back stables. Willow and Sona are already there.

"Hey Beatrice!" Willow runs up and gives me a hug. "Are you excited?! I've never done something like this before!" She says excitedly, looking up at me with a beaming smile.

I hug her back "No I haven't. I've raised horses and farm animals, but never anything like this." She pulls back, Sona walking over in her forest green suit. Actually we all have similar ones, just different colors. Willows is yellow and it brings out her clear gray eyes.

"Sona is secretly looking forward to it." Willow says with a playful smirk. Sona gives her a glare "I never said I didn't look forward to it." She crosses her arms, turning to me.

"Do you know when we'll be starting?" I ask her.
"Once all the girls get here they'll let us out to find the herds." She explains, I look over to see our maids socializing in a seated area.

"Our maids will follow us silently." Willow says taking my arm in hers. I let her and Sona lead me to a gate. "Once we go in we'll have to separate. My maid said that there will be someone either with a herd or one specific irhoth." Sona turns to me "They tell you what to do next."

"Can we fail doing this?" I ask her, Willow letting go of my arm as the gate opens. "I think you can, so make sure which irhoth you see is the right one for you." I look at Sona puzzled "How can you tell something like that?" I ask her, she smiles, the first one I've ever seen on her face. My breath is taken away from the gesture.

"You'll know, for those who don't care and just want to win will fail." She says stepping past the gate way and running off.

Willow and I watch as she goes. "I wish you luck Beatrice! I know you'll do great though!" She gives my hand a gentle squeeze before skipping off.

I take a deep breath, putting on my game face, I run off as well.

I've passed a couple herds and some of the other chosen, trying to find my irhoth. I feel like I've gone further than anyone into these forests and meadows.

I slow to a stop, checking my surroundings before going off to the left. I sigh, looking around for anything. I really hope I can find mine, it would be embarrassing and less appealing if I lose today. I need to fight hard in these trails!

I walk through some rose bushes before stopping completely. Straight ahead I see a man with huge horns and a bull tail. His chest and shoulders are bare and broad. His hair cut clean, a little stubble running down his jaw. His body and hands are massive. He looks like a ruthless god.

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