10. The Claim

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Annabeth walks over to the queen with confidence in her step. The floating lights move to capture both Annabeth and the queen. "Hello Annabeth, how does it feel to be the first to get their affinity?" The queen asks, giving her full attention to Annabeth.

Annabeth smiles smugly "It feels great, I'll be the first to show the kingdom what I'm made of." The queen smiles "Are you having any problems with suitors so far?"

"Of course not, have you met me your majesty?" They both laugh, making me want to roll my eyes.

"You are representing the elves are you not?" The queen asks with a smile. "Yes I am, I love their ways. My maid has taught me so much since coming here. I can't wait to entertain you all." Annabeth looks into the lights with a flirty smirk.

"This is too painful to watch..." Sona whispers beside me, I nod "Tell me about it..."

"Alright let us see what your affinity is, lady Annabeth!" The queen motions Annabeth to sit while the elf from before places the hat atop her head.

The hat moves to life again, causing Annabeth to make an uncomfortable expression. I do my best not to laugh at her scrunch up face.

"Hmmm...cunning....snarky....full of herself." The hat says, I have to cover my mouth from the look on Annabeth's face. This is just too funny, I'm guessing that the hat can read a bit of our personality to determine what our affinity is.

"Mind control..." The hat declares, causing everyone to go silent. The queen even looks shocked, but she quickly replaces it with a smile. "Oh my, what a powerful affinity Annabeth. Your maid will explain in detail what your affinity means." Annabeth nods, looking smug as ever.

She returns back to her seat with us chosens. The queen continues to call up other women to find out their affinity, but I don't pay any attention until Lucy is called.

She looks nervous as she walks over to the queen. "Hello Lucy! I hope you're doing better than the last time I saw you." The queen says with a soft touch to Lucy's arm. I can tell from here that Lucy gives her a forced smile.

The queen doesn't give her the usual questions, probably already knowing the answers to them already. Instead she lets Lucy take a seat at the chair, the elf placing the hat on her head.

Lucy does her best to not move, looking rather uncomfortable. "Hmm....kind....scared?...." The hat pauses before looking at the queen and continues "Forced?"

What does that mean? "Warm hearted." He continues again before declaring "Will-o-Wisp."

Huh? What's that? I look to the queen and find a huge smile on her face and a warm look in her eyes.

Me whispers something into Lucy's ear before motioning her to go back to her seat.

"Sona." The queen calls, but I can't pay attention to anything she says. My mind is swirling with what happened with Lucy.

Why would that hat say forced?

I'm so wrapped up in my own head I don't hear the queen call my name until Sona taps me on the shoulder.

I look up seeing everyone's eyes on me, well that's totally not embarrassing. Down the line of seated women I can hear Annabeth snickering. Ugh.

I get up gracefully, walking over to the queen with faked confidence. She gives me a warm smile "Hello lady Beatrice. How are you coming along with suitors." The queen gives me a playful smirk, I blush slightly with a nervous smile. "Not too bad actually, I've met a couple of nice suitors." I say keeping my eyes on the queen.

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