JackieBoy Man X Villain!Flirty!Reader (As Long As It's With You)

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Warnings: swearing, yelling/shouting, caps, flirting, sexual jokes, fire, fighting, crying

Context: You're a villain who goes by "Blood Rose" and... you can probably figure out the rest.

Key: Y/n = Your Name, F/c = Favorite Colour

Word Count: 1374


      Humming a small tune, I smile, this is the last time I'll be standing in this house. I was visiting a... 'friend' but y'know... their a prick. And I can't have that fly~!

      "Ugh, when is this 'Blood Rose' bitch gonna be on T.V. again? I bored..." She mutters. "Maybe their closer than you think~" I whisper sadistically. "Got sum' to say?" She 'threatens'. I laugh, "I said... 'Maybe their closer than you think~!" I repeat, a sinister gaze resting on my face. She scoffs. "Sure, dick." I hear her mutter. I laugh.

      "I'm jus' messin' with ya hun~! I'm gonna make food, I brought my own shit." I say, getting up. I walk to her kitchen. I wasn't lying when I said I brought my own shit. I get my stuff by the front door. Gasoline and a lighter...

      I pour the gasoline on the floor. "WHATEVER YOU SPILLED CLEAN IT UP, ASSHOLE!" I hear my 'friend' yell from the other room. "YES MA'AM!" I shout back. I pour by the entrance too. I open the front door, it makes a creaking noise. "WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!" I barely hear. I light the lighter, and drop it on the gasoline, I watch as it spreads. "YOU PRATT!"

      I run through the dark of night, to her back door, grabbing an outdoor chair, and putting it under the doorknob, locking her in. "HEY! ASSHOLE! DIPSHIT! THIS ISN'T FUNNY!" I hear her yell. Before anyone catches me, I grab one final thing...

      My suit, I grab the small detachable button and put it on my chest. I press the button and it expands onto me, looking like a normal spandex suit. It's entirely black aside from a circle in the middle of my chest, it's a tie-die like blend of red and f/c (if red is your fave colour just pick pink or ur sec fave).

      I quickly attempt run away. Emphasis on attempt. A certain hero drops from the sky.

      "Finally found you." He says. "Jackieboy Man~ in the flesh. I must say, you look cuter in person~!" I say, taking a step closer to him. It doesn't seem to effect him. He grabs both of my arms, wraps his leg around my ankle, and trips me so I'm on my back. "Jeez, take me out to dinner first~" I jump back up.

      "Shut up." He says. "Sorry~ I can't help it~! I don't want to ruin your cute face~!" He swings his arm at my face, I step to my left. "Or maybe I would~" I grab his arm with both hands and flip him onto his back.

      "I'm glad you wanted to find me so bad~ it was getting a bit boring just getting away so easily~!" I step up and grab a nearby shovel. "Shut up!" He yells. He jumps up and runs over to me. He pushes me back against the shed, his arms keeping me from moving. The shovel drops from my hand. "Forward much~?" I tease.

I swing my arm, knocking his arms down, I then grab him and swap our positions. "I sorta prefer us like this~" I whisper seductively. I watch as he tries to think of a way out. Those eyes... why do they look familiar? "You have beautiful, blue eyes~" I comment. "Shut. Up!"

I hear sirens wail in the distance. "Shit..." I mutter. "Sorry to cut this short... but I don't feel like getting caught..." I knee him in the stomach, open the shed, throwing him in, locking it. "HEY! LET ME OUT!" He yells. "Can't wait to see you again~!" I yell, running off to safety.

The Next Day

I was hanging out with my friend, Jack. He's a friend that I don't wanna kill, he's cool, a huge geek, and cute.

He gasps. "Jackieboy Man is on the news!" He turns on the T.V. "Have you encountered this 'Blood Rose' since your last interview?" The interviewer asks. He sighs. "Yes... they are a lot stronger than I expected... they were at that house that caught in fire, but they got away." He says, seemingly disappointed in himself.

Jack is silent. I look over to, looking into his... beautiful... blue...


"Have you ever noticed that he has beautiful, blue eyes?" I ask Jack. He seems stunned. "O-of course! I pay attention to basically every detail of the c-coolest person!" He looks over at me. "Aren't you happy to have something in common with him~?" I ask. "I- what are you i-implying? That I'm Jackieboy Man and your B-Blood Rose!?" He stutters. "Hmm... why would that make me Blood Rose?" I ask.

      He knows he caught.

      "B-because... because... why else would... you say something Blood Rose said?" He asks. "How would you know they said that?" "I- I- ..." He's out of arguments. "I know I said I wanted to see you again, but I would've styled myself a little better if I knew it'd be the next day." He's silent.

      "Y/n, I'm sorry but I have to turn you in." He says, getting up. "I mean... you don't have to~" I stand up with him. "I do. I do have to. I can't get so mad about a villain, find them without their disguise and let them go." He cracks his knuckles. "Unless you give me a good reason not to." "Your Identity." I say. "What? You think people with believe it's some nerdy, fanboy?" He asks. I grab my phone.

      "B-because... because... why else would... you say something Blood Rose said?" "How would you know they said that?" "I- I- ..." ... "I know wanted to see you again, but I would've styled myself a little bit better if I knew it'd be the next day." ... "Y/n, I'm sorry but I have to turn you in."

      "I don't want to reveal your identity... but I may have to." I walk closer. "Get away from me." "My theory was right though, you look way cuter without the mask on~" "I said get away!"

        He pushes me to the ground and I land on my ass. I sigh. "Do you want to do this, Jack?" I ask. "Yes! I want to be a good person!" He yells. "I meant do you want to turn me, specifically me, in?" I ask. "I- ... y-yes." He stutters, kick his leg towards me, I back up, and stand up. "Answer that again, but honestly." "Y-..."

        There was silence. "No... but I have to..." He stands there, staring at me. His eyes light up.

        "It's a hero's duty to save everyone." He says, walking closer to me. I back up, this is a trap.

       "No matter what bad they have done. It's my duty to save them." He says, continuing his pace forward. "Jack... s-stop."

      "That means it's my job to save you too." "G-get back!" My back hits the wall and he continues forward.

      "And I think saving you... would save everyone, until a new villain comes. And I'll save them too, and I'll go back to the prison, and save the villains I put  in there." "I said get-" He hugs me. A genuine hug.

      "Whatever did wrong to you growing shouldn't drive you to be a villain. It should drive you to be a hero, and stop this from happening to other people."

      "C'mon, you're not Blood Rose... you're Y/n." I feel a tear fall from my cheek. "If you hug back... I won't turn you in~!" He says in a sing-song voice, it causes me to let out a small laugh. I slowly bring my arms up and wrap them around his neck.

"Alright... maybe saving the world... could be fun..." I whisper. "You think so?" Jack asks. "Yeah..."

"...as long as it's with you..."


njndjfndjfbhdbc I did it! here have this:

i hope you demons, angels, and everyone in and out of between enjoyed! have a good day/night!

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