Dark X Satan's Child!Reader Part 2

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Hullo. I am making a part two whoa. If you want to read this, you might want to go read the first one. Idk what else to say besides sorry this took a LONG time, so here we go!

Warnings: Swearing... a lot, kInKy (not a smut I promise),



That was all it took to make you smile. You felt happy.

"So, what changed your mind?" I ask him. He seems to know who I am, based off the chuckle. "I mean, you made the ENTIRE café start to chant, and you are able to make everyone shut up, that's not exactly normal, and sent your little crew around the whole place. Why wouldn't I respect that?" He stated. "Good point. Well since, in my opinion, it takes guts to openly not respect, you got some respect yourself. But, how did you put your number in my pocket, if you never touched me?" You ask. "It's a secret." You could HEAR the smirk. "What?! Bullshit! Tell me!" "Nooooope!" "Fiiiiiiiiiine. But then you promise to tell me something?" You ask. "Uhhh sure? What is it?"

"Why did you wink at me?" There was an awkward pause, you blushed. "Because, I ummm... I wanted to get your reaction? And that's how I... genuinely act, I guess." The nervousness in his voice was suspicious. "You sure you don't liiiike meeee?" You sound like a five year old, but who cares? "What uhhh... gave you that idea?" "Probably Anti and Blank being ASSHOLES!" You exclaim. He chuckles. "Elaborate."

"Bet! So, I sat back down right? Putting my hands in my pocket. 'OH! A piece of paper! I wonder what it says!'" You pause in case he wants to say something, "'Oh! It's Dark's number!' Of course I didn't say that out loud! But y'know? Blank decided that he could read my thoughts at THAT moment!" You start to just complain, you can hear Dark chuckling, trying to hear the end of your story without bursting into laughter. "'Hey! Y/n! What's that?' You would think I could be like, 'None of your business!' But here's the thing! He snatched it both of them scooted back, the fucking power couple! 'So, I guess you were right, he respects you! But whatever cause I am too you obvi like him gurl!' Like that's it right? RiGhT?! No it ain't! Because then they start singing 'Dark and Y/n, sittin' in a tree, I'M-GON-NA-SMACK-THESE-FUCK-ERS!" You pause to breathe. Dark still trying to hold in his laughter. "Then BLANK! BLANK'S BITCH ASS DECIDED TO MAKE A DIRTY JOKE! So, I said, 'Fuck you guys.' 'Oh I tHouGhT yOu WoUlD wAnNa Do ThAt To D-' 'LIKE BOI SHUT YOUR ACNE ASS THE FUCK UP!"

You blush realizing he might've gotten the hint Anti and Blank weren't lying. Even though you don't like to admit it. He bursts into laughter. "Hold on let me breathe really quick." He says. You still panting from shouting, sounding like a dog.

Once Dark regains his breath, you guys continue having fun, joking around. It was honestly, all you ever wanted outta Dorkiplier. To have some fun. "Hey, do you mind meeting up at the café tomorrow?" He asks. "I mean, I go there everyday with Anti and Blank, without talking to them or planning it, so they're gonna be there too." You say. "Meh, whatever, I can try and help you next time so they don't kill you." You guys share a laugh. "Please do." You say. "Alright, I'll see you there tomorrow then?" He asks. "Yup. Bye Dark." "Bye Y/n." You smile as you guys hang up. Finally getting the respect of everyone.

~The Next Day~

I wake up. Happier than usual. I decide that I should text Anti and Blank about Dark. I pick my phone up.
Y = You
A = Anti
B = Blank

Dork Chat

Y: Soooooooo guess who is joining us
A: Your boyfriend? 😘😘😘
B: Got'em
Y: He's not my boyfriend 😑
B: Yet 😏
A: Yet 😏
Y: Y'all are bums, but Dark's joining us.

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