I just want to feel your lips against my skin

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You opened your eyes to find yourself still in the training room but in the distance you could hear Leox yelling. "What the fuck did you do to her!"

"We were training and I don't know, she just collapsed." Kylo's voice had a hurt tone to it. "Well were you using the force? What was going on?" Leox was concerned. "I was angry and trying to take some anger out and I don't know." You could hear Kylo pacing.

You sat up to let them know you were awake. "Oh Aphrodite you're up, are you okay?" Leox came running over to you. "Yeah I'm fine, my head hurts a bit but I'm fine otherwise" you rubbed the back of your neck.

"Angel I don't know what happened I'm so sorry" Kylo couldn't even look at you.

"I told you to back the fuck off but I guess that didn't mean shit, I told you if you were going to fight like you were with your knights you should have gotten one of them up here and not me. You didn't fucking listen and now look what happened." You scoffed.

"Kylo what the fuck did you do." Leox stood up and got in Kylo's face. "I was training and I guess I went a little hard and she told me to back off but my anger took over me but I promise I didn't actually touch her" he looked at you and then back to Leox.

"Literally my body felt like it had just been overwhelmed and then everything went black." Leox helped you stand up. "I don't know what happened, I'm so sorry" Kylo tried to take your arm but you recoiled.

"When I tell you to back off then you back off. You ignored me and continued to fight me like one of your men knowing damn well I am your girlfriend and half their size" you poked your finger into his chest.

"You know what Kylo I'm fucking done with this conversion come find me when you grow up" with that you turned on your heels heading to Leox's quarters.

You didn't hear footsteps behind you which meant that you had won but you knew that Kylo fucked up. You had warned him over and over but he didn't care.

You had made it to Leox's quarters allowing the door to open and close behind you. You let out a blood curdling scream releasing every frustration you had ever had.

Then the tears began to fall from your eyes, your knees buckling under you falling to the floor. You didn't hold back the sobs falling from your mouth, an ending to them was nowhere in sight.

You knew it wouldn't always be perfect but you didn't expect this. Right now you needed to do what you could for yourself. Kylo had no right to act how he did towards you and hurt you like that.

You listened as the door slid open causing you to turn your head to see who it was. Leox rushed in as he saw you were on the floor. "Aphrodite are you okay? Troopers close by heard a scream?" His fingers going under your chin pulling your face to look at him.

"I just had to release my frustration somehow, sorry" you closed your eyes not being able to look at him.

"Aphrodite I understand, he was in the wrong for doing what he did but he feels terrible" he pulled your chin up to look at him.

"I know but he needs to realize he fucked up. He could have hurt me badly. Leox I'm just so fucking frustrated, he ignored me and then tried to spar with me like I was one of you. He can feel as bad as he wants over it but I need him to realize he fucked up. No one ever tells him no or that what he does is wrong, if anyone needs to tell him it's me." You crossed your arms over your chest.

"Okay, fine. Now go lay down please you need to relax" he scooped you up off the ground and walked you to his bed.

"I'm going to go get with the other knights, you know how to get a hold of me. Please rest after what happened you need to take it easy." You nodded and he walked out the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2021 ⏰

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