Fool for sacrifice

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Looking out the window you saw what we all waited for in the first order, an X-Wing was pointed at the finalizer. It had fired a blast at the shields causing the ship to jolt, you instantly put down your cup and ripped off the lingerie. You put on your leggings, your compression top with your jacket, slid on your boots and grabbed your blaster and staff.

You ran out of his quarters only to be bombarded by troopers, "Where is the supreme leader?" you were frantic. "Last we knew he was on the bridge."

You ran towards the elevator to try and get to the bridge quickly to see if Kylo was okay. When you reached the bridge level there were more troopers crowding the entryway.

"Has anyone around here seen the supreme leader!" you were yelling. "Uh, I think he made his way down to the hangar."

"I swear to the maker if he isn't there, I'm going to have him kill you. What's your reporting number." You were waiting for him to spit it out. "LN-675 ma'am" you gave him a dirty look and made your way to the lift again. You waited and it seemed like it was taking long on purpose. You finally made it to the hangar, and you saw the knights scattered and you ran towards them.

"Hey guys what's going on, I saw the X-Wing from Kylo's quarters, were there other attacks?" you were out of breath from all of the running. "It seems that more of the resistance are heading towards us." Leox was very calm for all of this. Then you saw Kylo walking towards you, "What are you doing?" his voice was concerned.

"Well I'm here to help?" you gave him a confused look. "Are you sure you can handle this?" you gave him a stern look. "Yes, I can Kylo come on." You propped your hand on your hip. "Have you seen my blaster skills?" you looked over at Calie to attest to it. "Yes, angel I have. they're coming with me besides Calie and Cardo. I can't let you get hurt; do you promise me that you will stay safe?" you could tell by the look in his eyes he was serious.

"Yes, Kylo I can now go kick some rebel scum ass!" you waved him and the guys off. "We will have your back, we'll stay here for now until we're directed to go somewhere else." You nodded at Cardo.

You watched as Kylo's tie silencer took off through the shield and you and the two knights waited for something to happen. "So, do you think anything bad is going to happen?" you looked over at them, "I'm not really sure, there's not a lot of them." Calie shrugged his shoulders.

Then you heard the sound of blasters going off, you turned to look and see that there were rebels that had somehow surpassed the security. Then you heard even more blaster shots coming from the hallway, so you instantly ran towards it. You pulled your blaster from your thigh and had it aimed as you ran down the hallway.

You watched as some rebels tried to make it down another hallway and you shot one of them in the leg wounding him. You figured you could get some information on why they were doing this. You ran over towards him. The others that were with him left him behind. "Why are you here?" you had your blaster pointed at his head. "HA, I will never tell you bitch." He was laughing while you watched his leg spill blood.

"What do you want from the first order?" you crouched down to his height. "We want your supreme leader dead." You push your blaster into his temple. "Take this one to the interrogation room, Kylo will deal with him later." You ordered the troopers to take him.

You ran down the hallway where the other rebels disappeared to, you wasted no time trying to follow them. You had waited a lifetime for this to happen since the academy. You pulled your staff off of your back and turned on the Vibrocharged end and waited until the footsteps grew closer to you. when they did you took your staff and hit them in the stomach knocking the air out of them and then took a swift hit to their head knocking them out. "Cardo take them and deal with them."

Angel On Fire (Kylo Ren)Where stories live. Discover now