I can put on a show

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This was going to be good, alcohol, the knights, Kylo, and truth or dare. This was either going to end really good or really bad you weren't sure but you guessed you would have to find out.

"I'll start, Aphrodite, truth or dare." He smirked at you and you sunk down in Kylo's lap. "Uhh truth." You were nervous and scared for what he was going to ask.

"What happened when you two disappeared earlier" well now they cat was definitely out of the bag. Your cheeks grew flush because you hated being on the spot. "We uh had some time to ourselves" you totally avoided it.

"No tell us what really happened" at this point you were shooting daggers at him. You stayed silent for a moment until Kylo cut in. "You really wanna know? I told her to get on her hands and knees. I spanked her, slipped my fingers in her, and then fucked her so good she couldn't even talk. She stayed real silent for daddy didn't she." You were shocked that he actually said it.

You looked over at all of the knights staring at you with their mouths wide open in shock. "Okay uh moving on" leox choked out. "Now you go" you played with your fingers contemplating who to deal with next.

You figure you would slam it right back to leox. "So leox truth or dare" you smirked at him. "Fuck I'll go with truth. It can't be that bad" he puffed his chest out with pride.

"Who was better in bed, me or the chick from the club" you had a full blown smirk on your face. "Uh" he stumbled on his words a bit. "You" he halfway whispered out. "I'm sorry what was that I couldn't hear you" you had a shit eating grin on your face.

"I said you" he almost yelled it but he didn't. "That's what I thought" you smirked at him while his face was written with shame all over it.

"Okay cardo Truth or dare?" He looked over at cardo who now looked scared. "Uh I guess I'll do dare since everyone else chose truth" you watched leox face turn sinister.

"I dare you to kiss our lovely negotiator" you felt Kylo tense up next to you. "No" Kylo spoke through gritted teeth. "Oh come on master it's just a game. It means nothing" you and cardo looked between each other for a moment.

"Ah fuck it" you stood up and walked over to him and planted a kiss on his lips. You could feel the rage rolling off of Kylo while all the knights oohed at the action.

"See no big deal" you shrugged your shoulders and sat back down but you sat in Kylo's lap to try and comfort him. "I wish you wouldn't have done that" he whispered into your ear. "Kylo come on it's just a game" you looked back at him. He stayed silent.

"Ap'lek, truth or dare?" Cardo stared at him while he waited for him to answer. "Truth" he answered confidently. "What are your turn ons" you knew this game would turn dirty.

He looked nervous and you could tell he was thinking really hard about it. "Uh, being blindfolded, when she's a tease, no hands and uh dirty talk" he rubbed the back of his neck from the amount of nerves he had to say that. His face was red with shame.

"Master, truth or dare?" You felt Kylo flinch under you. "Dare" he was being bold and you liked it. "I want you to do a body shot off of her" he nodded towards you. You looked at Kylo to see what he was going to do.

He grabbed your face and looked you dead in the eyes, " lay down now" his voice was sensual. You obliged and laid down on the ground. He pulled your shirt up exposing your stomach. He traced a line from in between your breasts to the top of your pants causing goosebumps to erupt all over your body.

He took the bottle of whiskey and poured a small shot into your navel. He licked a line from the top of your pants to your navel, you could feel him slurp the liquid up.

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