Kylo is sent on a mission with the knights it's one you weren't needed on, before Kylo left he said if you wanted to stay in his quarters you could. You had decided to stay in his quarters because it was bigger, and you had access to his clothes and his side of the bed that smelled like him.
Hux had sent the staff he made for you to your room you went to go get it so you could go train with it. The staff had a vibrocharged end on one side and the other was just a blunt end, you twirled it around in your hands to get a feel for it and it felt good. You took it with you to the training room so you could practice with it. You got in the training room and you headed over to the bag and started to do some movements on it like you would if it was a person.
You couldn't wait for the knights to come back and train with this because it's so hard to train using a bag and not having a person . You decided that you got the general movement down with it, so you moved onto blaster training since you hadn't done it in a while.
You grab the blaster and you call out for a reset. "Reset!" the droid resets the targets for you and you quickly shoot at each one and you were off by one.
"Kriff!" you facepalmed yourself because you never missed a target. "Reset!" you were determined to hit each one on target. You shot at each one without looking for old times' sake from the academy you hit every single one on target. "Fuck yes!" you yelled out loud and then you looked around to make sure no one heard you. "Time." You yelled out to the droid to see if you still had it. "3.4 seconds ma'am," he said in a monotonous voice. You pumped your fist in the air, you still had it.
You went back to Kylos quarters since you liked it better there than yours. You got some weird stares as you were walking into a commander's quarters. You saw your holopad going off with a message.
Kylo R: I have a surprise for you when I get back from this mission, but you have to be a good girl you got that?
You: Yes, commander I will be a good girl for you.
You set your holopad down and decided to hop in the refresher, you get in and wash your body than next thing you knew your hand was traveling down your body. You got a whiff of Kylos soap and he had been gone a few days and you missed him a lot. You found your mound went and begging for something. You slowly slipped two fingers in yourself and let out a slight moan, you wished it was Kylo, but your fingers will do. You slowly pump them in and out reaching a good rhythm. You knew it would be a quick orgasm for you, but it rocked your whole body with pleasure. You let yourself ride of the rest of the orgasm while the hot water cascading down your body.
You finished up in the refresher after that and you grabbed one of Kylos shirts with a pair of your leggings and you decide to call dean to go get a drink with you in the cantina. You pick up your commlink to call him.
"Hey Dean!" you had a perky voice
"Hey! How are you?" you could hear a happy tone in his voice.
"Want to go grab some drinks at the cantina with me?" you smiled as you said it in hopes he could hear it.
"Sure! Want to meet me there soon?" you could hear he was excited.
"Yeah, I'll be there soon!" You hung up and threw on your boots and headed out to the cantina.
You waited on the elevator since you were coming from the top of the ship. You finally got off on the lower level where the cantina was, you walked in and it was loud as it was normally with the stormtroopers off duty.
You headed to the bar knowing that's where Dean would meet you, you walked up to the bar and ordered a bakuran bitters to try something new. You knew you looked funny in here wearing an oversized shirt with leggings and your training boots but hey you didn't have anyone to impress. You felt a tap on your shoulder, so you turned around and saw dean, you got up out of the barstool and gave him a hug.

Angel On Fire (Kylo Ren)
FanfictionI flew too closely to the sun that's setting in the east, and now I'm melting from my wings. You're the head translator for the first order, most of your assignments are with Kylo and the knights. Will this make your life better or worse working fo...