I've been cold since you left

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All of the clothes for the mission had been delivered for all of you, so you walked out to wake the sleeping giants up. "Wake the fuck up! We have a mission to attend to." You watched as they all groaned and rolled over.

"Aphrodite, I don't want to be a pain but shut the fuck up, let us sleep." If Leox was going to act like this you wanted to make it hurt. You went and picked up the holopad that controlled the room. You chose the loudest and most obnoxious sound you could find, and you blasted it through the whole room.

"Please make it stop!" they were all groaning and covering their ears. "Well maybe if Leox wasn't an asshole then I wouldn't have done this." You were yelling over the music. Kylo came and wrapped his arms around your torso. "Okay turn it off, I'll get them up."

He walked away from you and went into the living quarters. "Get up now, don't make me ask you again." You watched as they all rolled from where they were and stood up stretching in place.

"Go get ready and meet us in the hangar in 20 minutes." He waved them off and they all dragged their feet as they left. All of their outfits had been sent to their quarters and labeled with their names.

You were ecstatic about this mission, batuu was your favorite place as a teenager so you were excited to go back and see how much it had changed. You turned the water on for the shower so that you and Kylo could get ready. "The water is going to get cold if you don't get your butt in here!" You yelled out to him because he was doing who knows what.

Not even a minute later he came sauntering in with nothing but his lounge pants on. "How are you going to tease me like that" he slid his pants off and got into the shower with you.

He pulled your chin up to look at him. "Have I ever told you how perfect you are" those words falling out of his lips sounded perfect in itself. "Well if you say so. I think all of your imperfections are perfections." You traced the scar on his face. He dipped down to plant a small kiss on your lips.

You could tell he wanted more but we all knew you didn't have the time. "Kylo we don't have time." He turned your body around so your back was against his front. You could feel his breath on your ear, "don't worry baby girl I can make this quick" then you heard the door opening to kylos quarters. You quickly popped out of the shower to see who it was. To your surprise it was hux, why he was here you weren't sure but you held the towel around your body as tight as you could.

"Good morning general, what brings you here?" You tried to not make eye contact since you were in a towel.

"Just checking in before you head out this morning." His hands clasped behind his back like he always did.

Then you heard Kylo's footsteps coming out of the refresher, "general why are you In my quarters?" Hux looked scared. "I just wanted to check and see if everything was all set for you to go on your mission." You had to think about it because he had never done this before. "Well thank you general but i think we need to get dressed." You wanted to diffuse the situation before it happened. He nodded and walked away and you watched as he walked out of the door.

"His thoughts were all over the place, it's not normal." Kylo dropped his towel and you stared at the glory that was his penis because why not. He caught you staring, "hello, earth to angel." He waved his hand in front of your face and you felt the heat rise to your cheeks. "Sorry." He walked over to you. "You don't ever have to be sorry." He planted a kiss on your lips and walked away.

You went over and grabbed your clothes and slipped them on. You had an entirely tan outfit that wasn't form-fitting at all, but it would do. You also had a blue head wrap which was normal for Batuu fashion, you watched as Kylo looked at you in the outfit.

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