The Meteorite

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Damian and Jon sit in the kitchen while Alfred makes them an afternoon snack. Jon rambles on and on to Damian about his most recent mission with his Dad, Superman. Dami listens halfheartedly to his best friend's talk. He glances down at his homework and sighs.

"What's up?" Jon asks Damian.

"Kent," Damian says, "This homework is trivial. I learned all of this with my mother years ago."

Jon grins, "In that case, you can help me with my homework. I just can't seem to get algebra. It's so hard!" 

Damian makes a >tt< sound and starts to help Jon with his algebra homework. After an hour of math and seven of Alfred's cucumber sandwiches, Damian and Jon move to the living room to lounge around with Alfred the cat. 

After Alfred the cat chooses to play with Jon over Damian, Dami turns on the TV. "Kent," Damian says, "You need to see this." 

On the news, reporters are frantically trying to explain a massive meteorite hurling towards Gotham Bay. Jon stands up, cuddling Alfred the cat in his arms. "No way," he whispers. "Let's go, D!" Jon rips open his button-up shirt to reveal this Superboy costume. 

When the Super Sons arrive on the scene, it's chaos. Emergency workers are scattered, trying to secure a perimeter. Damian hears his father's voice in his comm. "Damian. Assess the situation." 

"There's no need for your assistance. Kent and I have things handled." Damian says. 

"Alright, Damian," Bruce says. "I trust you." Then the line cuts. 

Jon turns to Damian. "I'll fly up there and try to slow the fall. You stay down here and make sure everyone is out of the way."

Jon flies up toward the strange meteorite. He braces the weight of the meteorite on his shoulders and tries to fight against the pull gravity has on it. Robin backs up all of the emergency workers to a safe distance. He watches as Superboy attempts to slow the fall. 

As the meteorite falls closer to Earth, Robin notices something off about the meteorite. It looks less like a meteorite and more like a ship. 

Superboy tries his best to stop the fall, but Robin can see it's useless. "Superboy," Robin says to his partner. "You have to let it fall in the bay." 

Superboy's strained voice rings in Robin's ear. "I can't. I can hear a heartbeat. Someone's still in there!" 

"Come on, Kent," Robin whispers. "Just be quick, Superboy." 

Robin looks up at the ship, a red blur rushes into the ship. The ship starts to fall at an alarming pace into the bay. Superboy looks around the ship, then he sees her. A girl. She's around his age and has long black hair. She is on the floor of the control room, unconscious. Superboy picks her up gently and flies out of the ship at top speed. 

The girl's spaceship hits the bay. A mountain of water crashes on the police cars. Robin grabs a police officer and carries them out of the danger zone. After the wave passes and everyone is safe, Robin looks up and sees Superboy descending from the sky. 

He's holding a girl in his arms. She has long, dark hair that falls gently around her face. She's wearing a white, long-sleeved dress. The dress is smudged with soot and dirt from the crash. A green, jeweled pendant is pinned in the center of her dress just above her breast. 

"Who is she?" Robin asks.

Jon looks down at her sleeping face, "I don't know. I found her in the cockpit, out cold." 

Superboy lays her down on the road. The girl's eyes slowly flutter open. Her green eyes look around curiously, taking everything in. Robin checks to see if her pupils are dilating correctly. The girl blinks at Robin curiously. 

"You don't have a concussion. Or any broken bones. Consider yourself lucky." Robin says firmly to the girl. 

Before Superboy can say "Holy Cow," the girl sits up and kisses Robin on the lips. Robin pulls away from the girl, shocked. Superboy chuckles and Robin blushes. 

"Thank you for saving me," the green-eyed girl says. "It was my first time flying a ship like that." She stands up and brushes the soot off her dress. "My name is Mar'i. I am the princess of Tameran." 

Superboy holds out his hand and Mar'i shakes it. "I'm Superboy. Please to meet you, princess. Don't mind my friend Robin, he's just nervous because he's never kissed a girl before." 

Robin elbows Superboy and glares at him. "I am not nervous. Tameranians learn new languages by kissing someone who speaks it." 

Superboy shakes his head, "You have a fair point, but you did blush pretty hard when Mar'i kissed you." 

Mar'i laughs. "Robin was correct in his assessment. Tameranians do learn language via kissing. And Superboy was also correct. Robin did blush, quite darkly." 

Robin glares darkly at Superboy and then turns his attention to Mar'i. "What are you doing here on earth? A Tameranian princess on earth. Seems unusual." 

Mar'i looks down, "I came here to find....someone. Someone important." 

Superboy looks at Mar'i, "Who is this, someone?" 

Mar'i looks up shyly, "I'm looking for my father." 

"Your father?" Robin asks. "Why are you looking for your father?" 

Mar'i sighs, "My mother lied to me. She said my father was gone, but I learned his name. I just had to find him." 

Superboy looks at Mar'i with curiosity, "Why would your mom lie, and what's your dad's name?" 

Mar'i sighs, "I don't know why my mom lied. She said it was to protect me, but I wanted to find him. I wanted to learn the truth. I ran away." 

"All to find your father?" Robin asks. "Who is he?" 

"Mom only told me his name," Mar'i says, "Richard Grayson." 

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