The Siege

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Queen Koriand'r strolls through the palace gardens. She smiles as she passes Mar'i's section of the garden. Her garden is full of lush and blooming flowers and bushes, unlike the uniform furs around the palace. Kor'i smiles at the handmade signs, labeling each plant carefully. She glances over at the Earth plants she brought home for Mar'i. Each plant was carefully tended for by loving and skillful hands. Kor'i checks on each plant and waters the ones in need of nourishment. 

Kor'i exits the garden and continues her stroll. She hears the sound of footsteps behind her and whirls around. Her sister, Komand'r, is standing just beside her. The sisters stare at one another and then embrace. Kor'i pulls away and looks at her sister. "General Komand'r!" Kor'i says teasingly. "You look well! With the peace negotiations on New Genisis, I wasn't expecting you until next week!"

Koma smiles slyly, "I had the opportunity to come home early, and I wanted to surprise you." Komand'r looks around the grounds, "Where is Mar'i? I was expecting both of you to be here. The little blumgorf loves her gardening" 

Kor'i laughs, "Yeah, about that. Mar'i is on Earth. She found Richard and I'm allowing them to live together for a few weeks." 

"It's about time," Koma says jokingly. "Richard is a good man. Our little blumgorf couldn't be safer." 

"So," Kor'i says, trying to change the conversation, "How were the peace negotiations, General?" 

Koma walks alongside her sister, heading to the palace. "They went better than usual. No one died, so that's a plus." Kor'i laughs and her sister smiles sheepishly. "Koriand'r, I still have no idea why you made me the Grand General of our armies. With everything, I did to you in our youth, I don't deserve to be redeemed." 

Kor'i stops and stares at her sister intently. "Komand'r, you are my sister. I gave you a second chance because I knew you were capable of change. I love you, and you deserve to be where you are. As your queen and sister, it is my duty to tell you that you deserve to be happy." 

Koma smiles and hugs her sister again. Before the sisters can finish their hug, the first bomb detonates. A section of the castle goes up in flames. The sisters race towards the fire and pull as many people as they can out of the flames. After they corral all of the people to safety, the sisters glow brightly and change into their warrior uniforms. The sisters stand ready to face an unknown enemy. 

Kor'i and Koma turn around and try to spot the culprit. Koriand'r is shocked to see Count Dru'u and a band of wayward soldiers setting another bomb. Koma hovers and blasts a purple starbolt at the soldiers. "Stop," she yells, "I am your General! You swore an oath!" 

One of the soldiers turns to Komand'r, "We swore an oath to the royal family, not to a troq!" 

Komand'r halts her attack and stares back and Koriand'r. Count Dru'u chuckles at their shocked faces. "Yes, my queen, we all know of your dirty, little secrets. How your heir is a hybrid, troq. How you defiled the royal bloodline by lying down with a human. We know of your sister's past crimes. The people of Tamaran deem you unfit to rule! To purify your bloodline, we need to exterminate it." 

The soldiers make a lunge for Kor'i and Koma. The sisters dodge their attackers and attempt to fight back. The Count's soldiers soon surround Kor'i and Koma. An energy blot whisks past Kor'i and grazes her arm. Koma grabs her sister and retreats and to a secluded place to recover. They duck behind an outgoing shipment in the hangar. 

Kor'i turns to her sister and grips her shoulders. "Koma, if Dru'u means what he says, he'll be after Mar'i and Richard, next. I need you to fly to Earth, escape, and warn them."

"Kor'i, no..."

"I will cause a distraction. I am the queen and Dru'u will want me neutralized first," Kor'i insists. "Koma, please. Find my daughter and my husband. Keep them safe."

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