The Kingdom

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Damian stares in shock as his friend walks to her death. He looks down at the small shielding device Mar'i had pushed into his hands. Jon glances at Damian in understanding. If they were going to save everyone, they have to act now. 

Dru'u's next words snap Damian back to reality, "Kill them all. Make them watch their rebellion fall."

Damian musters up his courage and stands in front of the entire Insurgence. "No," he says firmly, "It is you who will fall."

Damian activates the shielding device right as the guards open fire. A bright, green barrier rises until it blocks off the Insurgence from the front of the room. The shield will last for a few minutes on its limited fuel supply. With the group safe behind them, Damian and Jon charge the throne. Mar'i elbows her guard in the face and grabs his keys. She runs up to her parents and starts to unlatch their cuffs. 

Jon uses his laser eyes to melt the guard's guns. Once the men are unarmed, Damian takes them out with his nonlethal assassin skills. During the fight with the guards, Dru'u and two of his elite guard vanish. 

Dick embraces his wife and his daughter the second they are all free. Mar'i lets a few tears escape and her parents hold her close. Damian can't help but smile at the beautiful family. 

Jon scans the palace with his laser vision and notices something very bad. "Guys," he murmurs, "I can't see Tim and Alfred."

Dick perks up when he hears his brother's name. The group races out of the throne room, following Jon. Superboy uses his superhearing to pinpoint their heartbeats. Jon stops in the middle of a hallway and looks straight up.

"Dru'u has them," Jon says to the group, "He has them both at gunpoint, straight above us." 

Kor'i hovers and her body glows with a powerful, green aura. "Mar'i, sweety," she says calmly, "How about we show this pretender how a real ruler takes care of things." 

Mar'i smirks and her hands glow with her purple aura. The Tamaranians blast through the ceiling. Mar'i takes out Dru'u's guards with two starbolts each. Kor'i smacks the gun out of Dru'u's hand and punches him in the face. The traitor slumps to the floor, unconscious. 

Through the hole, Dick calls up to his girls. "Did you kick his ass?" he asks. 

Alfred and a patched-up Tim look at Kor'i and Mar'i with big eyes. "Yeah," Tim yells back, "You have one hell of a family, Dick." 

Jon flies Dick and Damian up to the roof. Damian runs to Tim and buries his face in his chest. Tim is a little shocked at first, but he ultimately gives into the sweetness of the moment and hugs him back. 

Alfred cuffs Dru'u and his guards just as Bruce and Jason make their way to the roof. The Waynes, plus Jon, embrace in a group hug, telling and retelling the stories of their adventures. 

Dick scoops Kor'i in his arms and places a tender kiss on her lips. Mar'i and Jon whoop and cheer at the cute couple. 

The team of Tamaranians, humans, and Kryptonians alike make their way back t the Insurgence. Galfore smiles widely when he sees the unconscious Count slung between them. Galfore turns to the crowd and booms, "All hail the Queen!"

"All hail the Queen!"

"All hail the Queen!"

"All hail the Queen!"

The cheers of the people echo through the halls. Dick smiles brightly at his wife and his daughter. He used to be so afraid that their family wouldn't be accepted and now, they're praised like saviors. 

One Week Later

Queen Koriand'r of Tamaran walks elegantly down the palace hall. Her green and purple ceremonial gown trains behind her. She wears a large silver crown on her head. Green jewels adorn the silver heirloom. Kor'i's long, red hair is done in an elegant bun. 

The Queen raps her knuckles on Mar'i's bedroom door. The young princess opens the door excitedly and twirls in her own ceremonial gown. The purple and silver fold of the fabric shimmer as she spins. 

"Calm down, blumgorf," Kor'i chuckles, "You'll ruin your hair."

Kor'i sits Mar'i down on the foot of her bed and checks her daughter's hairdo for flaws. The crown of Mar'i's hair is braided back and the rest falls down her back in curls. Kor'i tenderly places a small, silver tiara on Mar'i's head. 

"Wow," Dick says from the doorway, "Look at my beautiful girls." He walks in and kisses the top of Mar'i's head. Dick is wearing a Tameranian suit with a color scheme to match the rest of his family. His hair brushed and gelled for this special occasion. "Come on," Dick says, "They're waiting for us." 

The royal family makes their way to the newly refurbished throne room. A crowd of Tamaranians cheers as they enter. The loudest cheers of all come from the front of the room where Jon and the Waynes are sitting. 

Kor'i takes her seat on the tallest throne Dick sits on his, slightly smaller throne, and Mar'i sits on the princess's throne. The crowd's cheers subside when Count Galfore raises his hands to silence them. 

"My people," Galfore booms, "Today we make history. Today we celebrate change. It is my honor to present to you, our Queen, and her family. No longer will we shun those from beyond the stars. Richard Grayson, please stand." Dick does as he's told. Galfore smiles, "Richard has proven himself to this kingdom and these people. Please welcome him to Tamaran as the rightful Prince Consort."

The crowd applauds as Galfore places a crown, similar to Kor'i's, on Dick's head. General Komand'r of the Tamaranian armies raises her troops to salute Dick. Kor'i and Mar'i stand and embrace him as the crowd cheers. 

"Today really is a new day for Tamaran," Koma whispers to herself. 

Later that day, Kor'i and Dick officially make Bruce a member of the royal court. Jason leans over to Tim and whispers, "I just realized if Dickhead is royalty, does that mean we get special privileges?"

Tim elbows his immature brother, "It means Dick can be with his family."

"Oh, yeah, that too," Jason grumbles. 

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