The Father

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Jon, and Mar'i, help Damian hover back to the ground. Then, the trio makes their way to the manor. As they cross through the courtyard, Mar'i's eyes start to glow with anticipation. Jon notices her eyes. 

"Mar'i," Jon asks, "are you sure you can do this?" 

Mar'i nods and stares firmly at the door, "I didn't crash my ship in Gotham Bay, to bail out now."

Jon chuckles and Damian rolls his eyes, amused by her comment. Mar'i steps in front of the boys and faces the door. She takes a deep breath and reaches out for the door handle. Just as Mar'i's hand touches the handle, the door flies open. Dick appears in the doorway. His dark hair is slightly messy and his blue eyes are shining with anticipation. 

"Starshine," Dick says breathlessly. He scoops Mar'i into his arms and holds her tight. Mar'i is shocked for a second but ultimately gives in to her emotions. She holds her dad tight and cries quietly into his chest. Dick rocks his baby back and forth, kissing her head, and holding her tight. "Oh, Starshine," Dick cries, "I thought I'd never see you again."

Mar'i looks up into her father's eyes, still hugging him tightly. "What do you mean?" 

Dick shushes his little girl and carries her back into the house. The rest of the family watches as Dick sits on the couch and holds his daughter close. He places a tender hand on Mar'i's cheek. A few tears run down his face. "Mar'i," Dick says gently, "When you were born, I was so happy. You and your mommy were and still are my whole world. But, Starshine, things were so complicated."

"Complicated?" Mar'i asks, "Why was it complicated?" 

Dick sighs, "Your mommy was next in line for the throne and her daddy was very old and sick. The people on Tameran are prideful. If they found out you were half-human, your mother would have been exiled and the throne would go to some bad people. So your mommy and I decided to split up. Starshine, you were only a few months old, but I already loved you more than anything. I wanted you to have a normal life, baby. I didn't want you to grow up an outcast. You're half-human and I was worried you wouldn't be accepted."

Mar'i holds Dick tight, "Oh, Daddy. Mommy misses you so much. She tells me stories about you every night before bed. I- I wanted to know you. Not just in a story, but in real life."

Dick sighs, "Mar'i. I am so glad you came to see me. I missed you and Kor'i every day. I never let you go." 

"Then why don't you come back to Tameran? Mom still loves you very much and she wants you to come home," Mar'i says. 

Dick looks longingly at Mar'i, "I still love your Mom, too. Maybe I should've fought harder for you. I should've fought to stay." 

Mar'i looks up hopefully, "Maybe you still can! Mom is the Queen, now. She can help. I know it!" 

"Maybe," Dick says wistfully. "Speaking of which, where is your mother?" 

Mar'i blushes, "She's ...on Tameran. I might have, maybe, stolen a ship and crash-landed here."

"You what?!" Dick says. "We'll call Kor'i later to let her know you're OK. She must be worried sick." 

Jason snickers from the back of the room, "Dickhead sounds like a dad!" Jason imitates Dick's voice, "You were out past curfew, young lady! What do you have to say for yourself?" 

Tim and Damian chuckle softly. Jon elbows Jason, "Shut up, man. You're ruining the moment." 

Jason holds up his hands in mock defense, "OK. OK. Jeez, kid, watch the super strength, will ya?" 

Dick chuckles at his family and hugs his daughter. "I'm happy you're here Starshine. I love you so much."

Mar'i hugs her dad back, "I love you, too."

The family is bustling with activity as they get ready for dinner. Barbra, Steph, and Cassie were soon called to come to meet Mar'i. The girls fawn over Mar'i and bombard her with questions. Mar'i gratefully accepts the attention and gets along swimmingly with the girls. Soon, Alfred comes in with his most impressive dinner menu yet. 

While everyone eats, jokes, and laughs, Mar'i looks around the table. She examines each member of her family and smiles broadly. Sure, Tameran was where she lived, but the manor feels more like home. 

When dinner is over, Dick tells the family stories about cute, baby Mar'i. Everyone laughs and sighs as Dick describes his daughter as an infant. Mar'i blushes and laughs, recognizing some of the stories her mom told her. 

Jon and Mar'i soon fly off with Damian to play in the courtyard, leaving everyone else to talk together. 

"So," Bruce says, "What are you going to say to Kor'i?" 

Dick sighs, "I don't know. I'm thrilled to see Mar'i again, but I don't know if Kor'i will be mad at her for coming to Earth without permission."

Jason shrugs, "I don't see what the big deal is. She snuck out. All kids do that at some point. That's just life."

"Jay," Tim says, "She snuck out, stole a ship, and flew to another planet. That's not your average situation."

Babs looks out to the courtyard to see Mar'i and Jon playing keep-away with Damian's favorite soccer ball. "She seems so happy here," Barbra remarks, "She should at least say for a little while." 

Dick watches his daughter lovingly. "I want her to stay, but it's all up to her mother. I mean, Kor'i has raised her this whole time. It's all up to her."

Alfred turns and states the obvious, "You may bicker and debate all you want, but she is your daughter. She came here to be with you and to try and get you to come home. Mar'i just wants her parents reunited."

Dick smiles as Mar'i's hands glow green just like her mom's. "She's not the only one."

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