The Mission

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After some struggles, the trio manages to lay Komand'r down in the medbay in the cave. Mar'i stands by her aunt's side as Damian treats her wounds. Jon is sitting on top of the giant dinosaur, probably sleeping. It had been a long day. 

A million thoughts run through Mar'i's mind. She worries about her mom and her home planet. Mar'i's worries soon turn to anger. Mar'i storms to the cells in the Batcave and stops at the one holding Andrei. 

Andrei holds her head down and makes no acknowledgment that Mar'i is in the room. Mar'i's hands glow green and she slams on the cell. Andrei doesn't flinch. "Where is my father?" Mar'i commands. "What are you planning on Tamaran?" 

Andrei ignores the girl. She tucks her knees into her chest and faces the other wall. Mar'i's eyes glow green and uncontrollable. Her hands flair and she fires a starbolt to Andrei's left. The starbolt grazes Andrei's shoulder. 

The Dame yelps in pain and grasps her shoulder. Mar'i growls at Andrei and charges another starbolt in the palm of her hand. "I won't ask again. What is going to happen to my family?" 

Andrei gasps in pain, gripping her shoulder. "I will tell you nothing, troq," the dame spits. 

The starbolt in Mar'i's palm grows bigger. She raises her arm to fire, but another hand grasps hers. Damian holds Mar'i's arm back. She whirls around and Damian pulls her into a hug. Mar'i holds on to Damian. Her eyes begin to calm themselves and her green arms soon dim.

"This isn't the way, Mar'i," Damian councils his new friend. "Justice, not vengeance. We will find our family. We will save your planet. But we have to do it the right way. We have to do it together." 

Mar'i sighs and brushes a few tears from her eyes. Damian looks at her gently and places a comforting hand on her shoulder. Mar'i takes a shuttering breath, "Damian, I'm scared."

Damian chuckles, "I would be worried if you weren't scared. I'm scared, too. They took my father as well as yours. I'm even worried for my brothers, but we have to stay strong. I swear on my life, we will get them back." 


Jon, Damian, and Mar'i stand over the bat computer. Damian is hunched over the controls, desperately trying to reconfigure the batwing to fly through deep space. On her sickbed, Koma groans. Mar'i rushes to her aunt and Jon stands beside her. 

Mar'i grips Koma's hand as her eyes flutter open. Mar'i sighs and kisses her aunt's hand. Koma smiles painfully and croaks, "There you are, my little blumgorf." 

Mar'i sighs with joy and grips Komand'r's hand. "Aunt Koma! You're awake!" Mar'i exclaims. 

Damian jogs over to the medbay and turns to Jon and Mar'i. "The batwing is ready and our course is already set for Tamaran," he says. 

Koma grunts as she tries to sit up. "I'm coming with you. Count Dru'u is too dangerous," Koma says.

"No," Mar'i says, forcing her aunt back down. "You still need rest. I don't want you out there in your weakened state. As your princess, I am relieving you of your duties, temporarily." 

Komand'r chuckles, "You remind me of your mom when you pull the 'royal card.' At least let me fly with you. That way, I can stay in the ship and guide you in the battle to come." 

Jon shrugs, "That actually sounds like a solid plan. She is the only person, other than Mar'i, who knows the palace and the planet. We'll need her." 

Mar'i sighs and Koma grins at Jon. Mar'i tries to look at Damian for support, but he just shrugs. "Sorry, Grayson," he says, "but Kent and your aunt have a point."

Mar'i sighs and throws her hands in the air, "Fine! Aunt Koma can come, but you are not to set foot out of the batwing once we're on Tamaran."

Koma smirks and sits up, "Yes, my liege." 

The four load everything they could need on the ship, including Dame Andrei. They secured her in the brig. Jon and Damian suit up. Mar'i glances at her, now filthy clothes. She will need a suit. Mar'i closes her eyes and focuses her energy on her whole body. Her body glows green, and then a swirl of purple flows through her. Soon, the purple overcomes the green. When the bright purple fades, Mar'i stands in her new warrior's uniform. (see picture at beginning of the chapter)

Mar'i looks at herself and gasps. She twirls around and a purple aura surrounds her, replacing her green one. When she boards the batwing, the boys gape at their friend's transformation. Komand'r smiles proudly. 

"You reinvented yourself," Koma says, "Only a true Tamaranian royal can change their appearance like that. You are following in your mother's footsteps." 

Mar'i smiles and hugs her aunt. Damian takes his place at the pilot's seat. Mar'i and Jon sit on either side of him, ready to follow him anywhere. Damian pilots the ship masterfully out of the Batcave and into the sky. 

Jon punches a few buttons on his control panel. "Charging primary engines for lanch," he says. Jon looks at the determined faces of his friends. Their families were in trouble. Jon brushes away all of his worries and fears. His parents were going to ground him for life, but he'll have to worry about that later. Jon takes a deep breath before saying the line he's loved all his life. "Punch it!"

Damian pulls on the main controls and their ship shoots off into deep space. The whole thing makes Jon nostalgic for Star Wars. Jon takes in the beauty of outer space as the ship zips by. Mar'i smiles widely. She loves the comfort of adventure and daring. Damian, however, remains focused on the task at hand. He feels entitled to the safety of his teammates and his family.

All of the odds are against them. Just the kind of odds every young hero likes. 

The mission is risky and doomed to fail, but the trio pushes forward to Tamaran. 

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