The Mother

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Queen Koriand'r of Tamaran storms through the castle. Her royal, purple dress billows behind her. She wears a silver band on her forehead with a green gemstone in the middle. There's still no word on her daughter and it scares her. When Kor'i enters her private chambers, she sighs. Kor'i runs her hand through her long, red hair and leans against the wall. Mar'i never gave her trouble like this before. Kor'i decides to blame it on her father's genes. Dick was always wilder. 

Kor'i sighs when she thinks of her lost love. She never wanted to leave Dick, but she had to do it. She had a planet to rule over, and people to care for. Still, raising Mar'i alone was painful. When Mar'i took her first step and said her first word, Kor'i's heart soared. But it acked all at the same time. Whenever Mar'i had a first, Dick wasn't there to share it with them, and it made Kor'i sad. Raising Mar'i alone wasn't hard, just lonely. 

Kor'i makes her way over to her desk. She sits down and pulls out her favorite picture. Dick is holding Mar'i in his arms for the first time. Dick's hair is curly and crazy. He's holding Mar'i's little hand in his. He has a few tears in his eyes. Kor'i smiles. She remembers that day like it was yesterday. 

"Richard," Kor'i says, "What are was going to name her?" 

Dick sits down next to his wife and they hold their baby girl between them. "I want to name her after my mom, Mary Grayson." 

Kor'i smiles, "That's a lovely name, Richard. We should call her Mar'i."

Dick grins, "A little bit human, and a little Tamaranian. I love it." Dick kisses Kor'i on the cheek and they both look at their beautiful baby girl. "Mar'i Grayson," Dick whispers, "Daddy loves you so much." 

Kor'i sets the picture down. There's a knock on her chamber door. Kor'i wipes a few stray tears out of her eyes and makes her way to the door. She opens it and a royal correspondent is standing on the other side. 

"Your Majesty," he says, "There's an incoming transmission. Your presence is requested in the communication room, immediately." 

Kor'i nods and shuts the door behind her, "Lead the way, Captain." As Kor'i walks into the communications room, the people inside stand up. "Be seated," Kor'i commands. "Broadcast the transmission." 

A holo screen flickers to life. On the live transmission, two boys are bickering. Fortunately, the sound had not yet come on, so the argument was lost to the Tamaranians. An older man with dark hair soon comes into view. He holds his camera steady and smiles into the camera. "Dick," he says, "It's working." 

Kor'i's heart flutters at the sound of his name. She watches intently as Dick comes into the camera. Kor'i turns to the rest of the communication officers. "Leave me be," she says, "I do not want to be disturbed." The captain nods and escorts his team out of the room. Once they are gone, Kor'i holds her hands in front of her and looks at the Waynes. "Richard," she demands, "where is my daughter." 

Dick's smile wavers. Kor'i looks beautiful and he was so happy to see her. Apparently, Kor'i didn't share his enthusiasm. "She's fine," Dick says. "Mar'i's playing with Jason and Jon. I just- I wanted to talk to you first." 

Kor'i relaxes, "I'm sorry to be so harsh with you, Richard. Mar'i had me worried." 

Dick chuckles, "That's what I figured. When I found out Mar'i came here without your permission, we started trying to get a hold of you." Dick pauses and looks at Kor'i, "You're still as beautiful as ever, Kor'i." 

"Don't try to flirt your way out of this, Richard," Kor'i says with a laugh.

"What?" Dick raises his hands defensively. "I'm just telling the truth! You look amazing!"

Kor'i shakes her head and laughs. "Alright, Richard. I accept your compliment. Now, may I have a word with our daughter?" 

Dick's heart swells when he hears Kor'i say our daughter. He tilts his head to the other room. "Starshine!" he calls, "Your mom wants to talk to you." Kor'i smiles. Dick called Mar'i Starshine. She hasn't heard him say that in a long time. 

Mar'i appears in the camera, looking shyly at her mother. "Hi Mom," she says timidly. 

"'Hi Mom?'" Kor'i says, "That's all I get? You steal a ship in the night, run to who knows where and all you have to say is 'hi mom?' Mar'i, I was worried sick! You scared me. I thought I'd lost you!" 

Mar'i looks up, "I'm sorry that I worried you, Mom. But I would do it again if I had to. X'hal, Mom, I like it here. I think- I think I want to stay here for a while. If that's OK with you." 

Kor'i looks at Mar'i, and then at Dick. "Richard," she says, "Are you on board with this?"

Dick nods, "I want to get to know our daughter a little better."

Kor'i sighs, "Alright, Mar'i. You can stay with your dad. I will arrange for your things to be sent over. In a month, I will come to pick you up." 

Mar'i cheers and Dick smiles on the other line. "Thank you, Mom!"

"Thank you Kor'i!"

"I swear you won't regret it." The father and daughter say in unison. 

Kor'i sighs and smiles, "Be safe my little blumgorf." Dick and Mar'i smile and hang up. Kor'i smiles and exits the communications room. She goes about the rest of her duties with a smile on her face. Mar'i was safe and with her father. They were obviously getting close. Kor'i lets her mind wander and fantasize about what her life would be like with Dick and Mar'i. She smiles sadly, hoping one day her greatest wish would finally come true.  

Mar'i runs around the manor, hugging everyone she sees. "I can stay!" she yells, "I can stay!" Mar'i floats into the air, literally glowing with anticipation. "This is the best day of my life!" she cheers. 

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