Chapter 1

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I place my Iphone 5 on the IHome on my bathroom counter. I cringe as a sharp pain shot through my stomach then to my back. Hopefully a long hot shower would help me. I stripped off my clothes and stepped into the shower. The song Ice by Kelly Rowland started to play. I closed my eyes and let the hot water relax the pain riddle throughout my body. I leaned my back against the shower wall so the water was only on the lower part of my legs. I felt warm liquid run down my thighs. I look down as I touch my thigh. I pulled my hand closer to my face so that I could see. Clear thick mucus like substance with a little blood covered my finger tips. I cursed under my breath and quickly washed my body. I got out of the shower, dried off, put on lotion and dressed in record time. I had on a black and red lightly body fitted knee length dress with black and red Jordans. I coumbed out my bang and let the rest of my hair fall to the middle of my back. I grabbed my keys and headed to my car. Another sharp pain shot through my stomach as I unlocked my car door. I really needed to get to the hospital because the pains were getting worse and more frequent. I opened the car door and another pain came. I dropped my keeps and the slid under the driver seat. I was so happy I decided to get a push button start because the keys just needed to be in the car. i crunk up the car and pulled out of my driveway. I speeded down the streets of my quiet upper class neighborhood. I prayed to God that a cop didnt stop me as I speed down the highway. I made it to the hospital in ten minutes. I parked on the street a block from the hospital because it was free parking. I reached under my seat and got my keys, then reached in the back seat for my purse. I got out the car and locked my doors.

"Maleeyah!" a male voice shouted from behind me. I looked in my purse to make sure I had my gun. Once I saw that I did I looked in the direction of the voice. A dark skin man was walking towards me. I put my hand in my purse as he approached. As he got closer I recognized him as my siblings brother. My father had two kids from a prior relationship before he married my mother. His ex-girlfriend got married and had two more children, one being the man walking towards me.

"What's up Aree?" I said when he was close enough.

"Nothing much. What are you doing here?" he said while engulfing me in his chest with a hug. I enhaled the sent of his colgne which I noted to be Polo Black by Ralph Luaren. I waited until he pulled back from the hug to respond.

"Well I-" A horribly strong pain in my back cut my sentence short. I almost fell to the ground but Aree caught me before I did. Without questions he picked me up.

"I'm taking you to the emergency room." he said walking towards the Hospital. After a couple of steps he started running. I wrapped my hands around his neck in fear of falling. We got to the hospital and Aree explained to a nurse what happened, and I told them about the thick liquid when I was in the shower. I was taken into an examination room immediately. A ultrasound technician came and set up his equipment. I explained everything to him and he instructed me to lay on my back and lift u my dress. He took a sheet and cover the lower part of my body. The pain slowly started to go away.

"The pain is going away so lets find out whats going on before they come back." I said taking deep breaths.

"Well I already know whats wrong. You're in labor. Looks like you're between 36 and 38 week pregnant." he said turning to look at me. I stared at him in shock.

"This isn't funny I could be dying and you're joking with me about being pregnant! There's no way i could be pregnant!" I screamed at him as a pain shot through me.

"I'm not playing look at the monitor." he said with a smirk on his face. He moved so i could see the monitor. I heard the heart beating and saw the baby's head and face.

"This can't be fucking happening." I said laying my head back.

"I'll go get the doctor, because you're having this baby soon." the technician said wiping the gel off my stomach. He left the room quickly after.

"Damn Lee-Lee you're going to be a mother."Aree said startling me. I forgot he was there because he was so quiet. I turned my head and looked at him. "Are you ready?" he said walking to me.

"How the fuck did I carry a baby almost 9 months and not know it? I didnt take any prenatal pills, i got drunk as fuck on my birthday and I been doing crazy shit! My baby could die, have mental disabilities or physical diabilities. I don't even have a carseat or any type of baby items. I'm in no way prepared for this. i dont even know if I want a baby. I suppose to start medical school next year. That's going to be hard with a baby. I haven't sex in just about 9 or 10 months. And my baby's father is fucking MIA! I cant do this shit. I just-"

"Take a breather ma. Just calm down. If you need anything you know I'm here for you. I can go buy a car seat before you and the baby get discharged. I can buy anything you need me to. If the baby as health issues I'll be there right there with you every step of the way to help. I will be the father if you need it. Shit you know I've have a crush on you since I was 12. I was going to ask you out when i saw you ass in your dress. you know you have a phat ass for real." he said looking at me.

"Shut up boy!' I said laughing and playfully hitting him on the arm.

"That got you to realx though. But I do mean what I said. I got you if you need it." he said looking into my eyes. I could tell he was sincere was was greatful for it. Before I could respond the doctor came in, with three nurses behind him.

"I'm Dr. Phillipa and I'm going to check you to see how far you've pregressed. If you're not dialated we may be able to get you an epidual for the pain." he said putting on gloves. He put his hand under the sheet and checked me. "Looks like your fully dialated. I'm going to need to push the next time you have a contraction. Daddy she's going to need your support."

"He's not-"

"I'll give her all the support she needs."Aree said cutting me off. Then taking my hand in his and placing his other hand on my stomach. I looked up at him and all I could do was smile. The nurses put my feet in the bars that were on the end of the bed. The doctor pulled the sheet up to my knees so that he could see.

"Ow Ow Ow. Pain!!!!!" I screamed.

"That's a contraction. I need you to pull your knees slightly to your chest, put your chin down, and push. Hold it for 10 seconds." I did as instructed and pushed as hard as I could. Aree was counting down the 10 seconds. I breathed heavily once the 10 seconds was over. "Again." the doctor said quickly. I pushed again. After about 4 pushes the baby was out. "It's a boy! Daddy do you want to cut the cord.' the doctor said talking to Aree. Aree looked down at me. All I could do was nod because I was too weak to speak. Aree looked so happy when he cut the cord. The nurses wrapped the baby up and handed the baby to Aree. I stared in amazement at how Aree reacted to my son. His eyes lit up so bright as he held him in his arms. Aree looked up at me and smiled. He handed me my son. I looked down at my baby. He looked up at me a lazily smiled. He had my light greyish blue eyes. Other than that he looked just like his father's baby pictures. A nurse came and got him so the could check him for health problems.

"He's beautiful." I said as I watched the nurse take him out the room. "I hope he's okay" i said as tears formed in my eyes, they spilled out of my eyes and down my face.

"He'll be okay."Aree said grabbing my hand and lighly squezzing it. I smiled at him. I just hope what he said was true. I just dont think I could forgive myself if something was wrong with him. the bigger question was am I ready to be a mom? Can I handle this? Should I just give hime up? he questions flooded my mind. I just dont know what to do.

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