Sea Shells

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*For more info refer to book All about shells in Witchcraft*

Abalone: healing, prosperity, abundance

Angel Wing: determination, freedom, helps to lift spirits, let's intentions soar, connection to angelic energies

Ark: safety, shelter, moving inward for reflection, finding stability in the outer world

Auger: focus, protection, aids in sending and receiving energy

Bear's Paw: power, strength, vitality, nurturing, protection, warmth, male and female energies

Carrier: helps to promote the coming out of your shell, overcoming shyness, escaping from clinging people and greedy people

Clam: Abundance, communication, foundation, groundless, healing energy, love, purification, stability, vitality, finding your place in the world, protection of emotions

Cockle: Balance, Contentment, dawn, gateway to a new life, new beginnings, centering, calming personal energies

Conch: Knowledge, love magic, speech, sacredness, vitality, wisdom, clearing negative energy, represents the deities Yemaya, Vishnu and Devi

Cone: While associated with danger, impatience and perfection, they are used to promote positive energy as me make changes in our lives

Cowry: Abundance, prosperity, fertility, growth, oracles

Crown: Associated with the crown chakra, they are helpful in uplifting energy, aiding in meditation, and boosting your intention

Drupe: Reflection, self assurance, discover and become comfortable with who you are

Frog: momentum, getting a situation moving, shaking things up

Helmet: groundedness, protection, strength, honoring an ally

Janthina: faith, peace, trust, help us to be at peace with ourselves, going with the flow, trust in the universe

Jingle: trusting your intiution

Limpet: Confidence, courage, nature, strength, wisdom, tenacity, remind us of the value of introspection

Lion's Paw: protection, strength, inner strength, confidence

Miter: peace, spirituality, calm energies, spiritual introspection

Moon: cycles, clarity, mother goddess, harmony, life, non judgement, protection, rebirth, self suffiency

Murex: intensity, reaching out, protection, summons strength to overcome adversity

Mussel: community, life-giving, the moon, stability, show us that we can endure life's hardships

Nautilus: ancestors, balance, ending and beginning, finding our place in this world

Olive: Abundance, opportunity

Oyster: fertility, hidden beauty, love, treasure, vitality of the moon, luck, prosperity, turning pain into beauty (pearls)

Periwinkle: friendship, groundedness, integrity, holding our focus

Sand Dollar: awareness, balance, divine energy, transformation, wisdom, hidden meanings, aid in seeking wholeness and protecting emotions

Scallop: Beauty, birth, change, fertility, harmony, healing, journey, travel, regeneration, relaxation, spirituality, the moon, help us all know that we are all beautiful

Sea Stars: symbols of heavenly powers, renewal, good luck, strength, recovery from trauma, adapt, thrive

Slipper: balance, community, generosity, nonconforming, transformation, aid us as we aid others

Spider: maturity, responsibility, self defense, teach us how to stand our ground

Spindle: relationships, Freya,
Creation of our own life path

Sundial: cycles, movement, patience, help us to move on from the ruts we may be stuck in

Thorny Oyster: creativity, defense, assists in reaching out our energies and project our intentions into the world

Top Shell: Dynamic spiral energy, centering, helping energy flowing

Triton: community, joy, element of air, intentions and prayers

Turky Wing: freedom, lift moods, shift emotions

Whelk: Dramatic life changes, good fortune, imagination, inspiration, wisdom, guidance, spiritual development

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