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Flow/Flux: occurs when tides are coming in focus on magic for change, growth, luck, transformation, and new beginnings during this

High Tides occur about every 12 hours when the sea has risen to its highest point on the beach focus on magick for courage, strength, and passion during this.

Ebb/Reflux occur when the tide is going out focus on magic for banishing, destroying and cleansing during this

Low Tides occur about 6 hours after High Tide when the sea is at its lowest point on the beach which expose many sea treasures along the low tide line focus on magic for meditation, psychic powers, introspection, and planning during this

Neap Tides occur two times a month in the first and third quarters of the moon. The difference between high and low tide is less than usual. This is because earth, sun and moon are at the right angle that the suns gravitational pull counteracts the one from the moon. This is a great time for relationships, love, bindings, and such

Spring Tide occurs two times a month at new moon and full moon. The difference between high and low tide is bigger than usual, because the sun and moon are lined up with the earth and their gravitational pull reinforce each other. This is a great time for extra  boost and power in spells.

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