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I was hurt, my kid looked starved and his body was covered in scars, just what had happened to him, i felt my heart clench but i kept my calm as i walked out the door, giving one last glance to the teen who lay smiling on his bed.

After he ate i decided not to bring up the scars, especially after seeing the way that he had flinched when i saw him, his body was riddled with scars and bruises both old and new. but instead of adressing that matter we just sat and he told me about his friends and his school, he told me about how he was interested in photography and engineering.

Nearly an hour later he fell asleep, i covered him with a blanket and walked out of the room leaving the kid to his sleep, he looked much better than he had when i found him and i almost forgot about the scars ~ almost

While Peter slept i decided to investigate, i looked up his family history and was both shocked and saddened to find out that his parents were both ex-shield agents but they had passed, i tried to look further but it seemed that it was blocked.

"JARVIS can you get me the data on a Mary and Richard Parker?''

''Yes Tony but it will take some time" Replied the A.I

"How long?'' I asked

"It will take approximately 48 hours" Replied the A.I

"Get to it then" i  remarked, walking towards my lab


I dreamt of nothing, well nothing at first, 

Darkness surrounded me, encompassing me in an inky void, it was silent and there was not a single sound to be heard,

"Why did you do it?"

I heard a voice suddenly shattering the empty silence

"Wha- who's there?" i asked

There was silence then suddenly an image appeared, the image brought tears to my eyes and once more i felt my world rip apart as i relived the death of my uncle.

I held his still warm body as he bled out, he looked at me coldly before speaking.

"Why didn't you save me?"

I recoiled for a moment before the emotions that i had been trying to hold back came pouring out,

"I-I- I'm sorry" i sobbed

He seemed to weaken before giving me one last glare

"This is all your fault"

I sobbed over his dying body and with the last of his strength he shoved me away, and everything reterned to the empty void everything except the sobbing, i had calmed down on the outside although my thoughts were in turmoil.

But i heard sobbing, i was taken back to a memory, one that i never wished to relive, the first time May became violent.

------Bob Here "warning violence ahead------

I was in the living room and through a crack in the door i saw may sobbing in a heap, i opened the door softly, and walked over to her.

It had been some time since Ben had died but since that fateful night, May stopped talking to me, we couldn't afford a funeral so we buried him ourselves in the local cemetery, a few close friends came but not many, the procession was short and sad.

After it had ended and everybody had left may and i took the bus home but the whole ride home May refused to even look me in the eye, i was heartbroken from the death of Ben and since that night i kept blaming myself.

After i had almost killed Ben's murderer i decided to become spiderman and on that night when i returned, i witnessed May sobbing.

She had never shown any emotion since Ben died and instead became quiet and withheld her emotions, especially from me.

"May are you Ok?" I asked carefully

She wiped her  eyes and pulled me close, i hugged her back but i soon noticed that something was off, she was squeezing way too hard

"May i can't breathe" I croaked

When she looked up at me i saw such fury and grief in her eyes that it completely drained me. Her hands went to my throat and she slammed me against the wall.

"He loved you how could you let him die?" 

Sadness washed over me "I'm sorry" i croaked"I'm so so sorry" 

She released my throat leaving me gasping for air but soon enough she delivered a blow to my face, it stung but with my powers it wasn't too damaging, i tripped over some of her clothes that lay on the floor and she began to kick me

Soon enough my ribs ached and my head throbbed but i couldn't do anything, it was my fault Ben had died and it would have been better if i was never born.

"This is all your fault" She screamed as she began to drag me

I lacked th energy and willpower to pull away so i allowed her to drag e towards the door, she dragged me halfway through the doorway before dropping me, i was confused and in pain so i didn't notice as she pulled the dooe back before slamming it into my back with incredible force.


I felt something break in my back and i began to see spots, i was amazed and horrified at the fact that i was still conscious but i couldn't move it was as if all connection to the rest of my body had been severed.

By now May seemed tired so she kicked me (literally) out of  her room into my closet and locked it and for what seemed like hours after that i lay sobbing in a crumpled heap in the dark cramped closet.

The pain was unbearable and the healing was worse, if not for my powers i probably would have died but in that dark closet i longed for death, I sobbed as i felt my broken bones returning to place and mending

and my pounding head began to hurt so bad that i thought i would pass out but unfortunately i didn't.

-----Bob here violence over-----

Soon the memory faded away and i remembered all the good times that i spent with May, i remembered the times afterwards when she was sober, when she did nothing but apologized and tried to make me feel better, we had many good days but i think that every time she saw the pain that she put me through she would become overwhelmed.

When she became overwhelmed, she would resort to drinking and the cycle would continue...

As those memories faded all i was left with was her dead body laying in my arms...

"It was all my fault"


'We all have scars some are just deeper'

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