The Luna

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" WHAT?! Noona it's not the time to joke. , " Taehyung screamed in shock. " I'm not joking too darling. It's too complicated that's why you are thinking it's a joke. Your brainless head won't be able to take all these informations I know that and that's why I'm not even trying.I'm just thinking if you just have listened to your older then this wouldn't have happen or things would have gone better- , "

" We don't have enough time for arguing now. So please... Let's not. , " Kimhyo said cutting Yoonji off making her hiss in anger and roll her sleeves. Ready to fight. " Just shut up. Don't try to be smart one. If you actually were a smart one you would always have knew that you shouldn't talk because you are an idiot. , " Yoonji growled.

"And listen. It will help him after life at least. The life here he will become an angel. There is no chance. NO CHANCE that we will be able to save him now. Not like I'm joking. I might sound like it but I'm saying what was needed to be said for years okay? Listen Taehyung you are the sacrifice if you say so.

No one cares about you. Literally no one. Not even me. It's just my duty to explain you as an older. Yo mom and dad wanted you to get married fast as you can and make Minyoung leader so nothing bad can happen. So the leadership can go to waste. Today is the chance. Only chance. Whoever marries you is the leader.

Your dad had a step brother who was many many many much better in many many many ways than yo dad. He is the one who would get leadership from the previous alpha. Your dad knew it pretty well. That stepbrother had lots of SWAG. Your grandpa used to like him a lot... more than yo dad.

Your dad's that stepbrother used to like yo mamma but your mamma was another bitch... so both of your parents made a trap and sent him to war knowing it's risky. That time there was bloodfire EVERYWHERE... but as I told he had SWAG. Like me.

That's how that dude got bloodfire. Your dad made it look like Jungkook is so dangerous. SO SO SO... Made your grandpa kick him out of the pack and yo dad got leadership. Everyone knew Jungkook didn't died. Everyone knew that... Specially me. I told luna better watch your back last night too but no one listens to me. Only because I'm not dumbies like ya'll I chose to make you leave the pack.

Getting your ass eaten and beaten by rogue alphas is better than getting eaten whole. Jungkook is waiting for this day. We all know that except YOU. He won't do nothing... He is just waiting to kill you and your husband to be the leader again. Ever heard of revenge? Yo mamma didn't. That's why this is happening. It's like today is a normal festival in the pack. They only put 2 securities in the gate whom I can make fly away in one punch.

Now see? He already broke in. Your dad couldn't make it to the pack house yet because his car happens to ran out of gas. You feel it? Karma. That's why yo mamma was so afraid. It's literally Jungkook's last chance and we all know he will make it work anyhow. This time if anyhow you get out of his hand and marry Minyoung.... Minyoung will be the leader and Jungkook will have to wait for another 20 years or maybe more.

Till then he can just die... No one knows. So this is pretty much his last chance and we all knew he wouldn't miss it. There is NO chance. Yo parents are just too dumb. They could just make you get married secretly but no they gotta put you in danger. Sounds freaking unrealistic. I know I know but that's what happene- , " " HE DISAPPEARED. , " Taehyung screamed in panic. " He... I can't see him where we saw him first anymore. , " He added.

" No he didn't disappeared. Maybe he is just making his way to the staircase to come here as he already saw you standing in the 3rd floor's window. , " Yoonji explained like it was not a big deal. " HOW ARE YOU SO CALM NOONA? ARE YOU SERIOUS? IF YOU ARE THEN DON'T FORGET I'M GONNA DIE IN A FEW MINUTES. , " Taehyung yelled in both panic and anger.

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