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" You know what? They say that there is... A beast... Or so you can call... It lives in the depth of the forest that's across the river for... many many years. Literally no one has seen him... No one......

I heard if anyone goes there... they never get to make their way back to our pack again. Nowadays no one goes there because they are so terrified of it... I wonder if it actually eats human or just kills them...

Even I can confirm... That something obviously stays in the forest. Once I saw something there you know... Well... You might think it's some kind of horror story that I just made up... But no I swear it's not...

Also rumour has it... That he is the leader's... Alpha's step brother... who went to war with witches and unfortunately got a mysterious disease... A disease that's spread by bite and... It was like a deadly virus to say the least...

To not take any risk... The whole pack wanted the alpha kicked the alpha's own son out of the pack... Only because of the disease. So he just went all homeless and started to live in the forest... All by himself.

Which is kinda belivable, comparing to the other rumour stories... Some people also say... He is already dead... Because he and his mate was burned alive to death immediately after they got to know...

That he has Bloodfire... So the Bloodfire disease doesn't get to spread any further. , " Kimhyo explained in a really low whispering tone as if it was a shitty ghost story... While opening another box of wedding jewellery for Taehyung.

" What is Bloodfire? And... you are telling me I have an uncle too? As far as I can make out, my dad's stepbrother should be my uncle right? I have never heard of him! No one ever told me anything about him. Also... That uncle had a disease called Bloodfire?

Tell me! I need to hear more... Since my parents chose to never tell me... But please be truthful... Cause I don't know why but it doesn't seem real to me. , " Taehyung said while picking another ring to try.

" Well... It's your choice if you want to believe it or not. But this is what I heard and believe. You also almost never get to get out of the pack house anyways! So it's normal for you to not be familiar with things and sayings like this. As far as I heard... The disease is still a big mystery to basically everyone around here... I heard something from my parents about this disease...

That once a witch cursed the whole of werewolves for banning one of them from every pack. They just wanted to blend in with the wolves and get away from her enemies but the packs were so scared.

That's how basically the disease started... She just cursed at the time of her death... Leaving the disease that's made by her to take over even after her death... When someone get this disease...

They become thirsty for blood. Not only thirsty.... They become so ruthless that they don't hesitate even once to kill their mates... Only to drink their blood... Since it spreads through bite...

It was predicted to be spreading really fast at that time. Maybe that's why... When our leader alpha's... Our dad's step brother got the disease... No one wanted him to stay here because they had fear for their own lives too...

No one can confirm his ending though... Different people still says different things. I'm here, not knowing what to believe is telling you what I find believable... Since you wanted to know about it... , " Kimhyo explained.

" What was the worst that could have happened because of this shitty disease?! They could just try to find a treatment... But no... They just straight up thought liting him and his mate on fire was the best idea...

Well that's pretty selfish... He didn't deserve to die like that... Or let everyone do stuffs like that to him... Why didn't he even protest? Where was his "family" I mean my family, at that time?

They just thought of their own safety and not about their son? Where is the revenge? I want him to take revenge.. I want him to come back and kill literally everyone here even that's not good for m- , "

" I prefer you to stop there dear. Don't say such unlucky things. At least not when you will be married in just 3 days. Think about your own soon to be alpha... The alpha you will be getting married to... Think about your beautiful and happy married life.

You attract what you talk and think about hun. So think about good things my queen. , " Kimhyo said in kind of a scolding tone making Taehyung sulk. " You know what? I'm leaving. You can't need to teach me what to do and what not okay! We were no longer friends. Bye. , " Taehyung said in a shaky voice like he was about to let it all out and stomped out from Kimhyo's house.

" Oh my God... Boy... Can you just let a little less bitchy and immature- Whatever he is the son of the leader after all, I have to tolerate this even though I don't want to. " He mumbled under his breath.

" Hey listen... I'm really sorry you know.... Okay fine... At least just finish choosing the rings now... Did you just forgot that tomorrow is your engagement after all hun- Huff..... , " Kimhyo huffed out... Giving up after yelling for so long and getting nothing as reply from him... which basically means that Taehyung already left her house and on his way to sprinting to the pack house to get her scolded later.

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