Don't miss you

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" Just tell me where he is and you are free. , " Jungkook mumbled... He hadn't even tightened his grip on Yoonji's neck... It was just to lock her there. " Don't even think you will get what you want like this...

Just let me go already. , " She said rolling her eyes. " This is not a want I say... It's a demand as his husband. Do it before I completely loose my patience... And do something bad unintentionally...

 To you... That might even damage you a lot than you expect- , " Jungkook couldn't even finish... he got ambushed by Yoonji with nothing but his own phone.. Right after she caught him off guard..  

Jungkook took a few steps back... holding his injured nose that had nothing but numbness to offer... She ran to grab the doorknob.. but this time Jungkook grabbed her by her arm and threw her....

Right in the opposite direction of which side she was running... Making her hit the floor with a huge painful impact. " I- if you don't tell me where he is now... , " Jungkook paused and sat on the floor. 

" Why don't you understand I need it? People fight.. Don't interfere much... It's not good for anyone. , " He let out calmly. " Tae gave me the rights to interfere. You can't walk around and hurt- , " 

" I WON'T AND THAT'S WHY I NEED IT. I NEED TO TALK TO HIM AND FIX UP THINGS UP BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE. , " He screamed out in annoyance. " He is in Seunggyo's place. , " She quietly let out...

Jungkook looked at her with hurt stare completely visible in his eyes. " Why in h- his house? Taehyung said he had a mate- , " " You said you both will fix things... Go on... I don't know anything...

You BEGGED for it.. Go here you go. , " She said before getting up. " Wait wait wait.... Tell me where is Seunggyo's house? , " Jungkook asked stopping her. " How am I supposed to know that? 

Tae didn't tell me anything about that. , " She answered. " Ask him then. , " Jungkook talked back... Almost immediately. " How about you ask him? , " She asked. " Don't act like you don't know...

That why I can't ask him by myself. He doesn't pick my call... , " He answered. " Well.. I can't. Sorry- , " " What do you mean you can't?! , " He let out in rage. " Okay okay. Why are you getting mad?!

I will............... try. , " She said before rushing out of the room... for the sake of her dear life. She knew the longer she will stay... The more the situation will be dangerous for her... She was proud tho...

Literally nearly broke the pack leader's nose.


In the evening....

" Are you leaving alpha? Cause we still have some works left..... , " Jimin asked with hesitation. " It's getting late... So I need to leave. We can finish them tomorro- , " " U- um....... A- alpha these are...

Some pretty important works you know... Most of the time you went home late... Because you said that you don't any problem to go home alone late. , " Jimin explained with a lot of hesitation... 

Making Jungkook suddenly have a confused face on...  After a few moment what seemed like Jungkook finally understood Jimin's point... So he started to rapidly nod... " O- oh yes... I t- totally forgot...

That Taehyung isn't at home alone today... So I don't need to go back early too... What will I do by going back home early... Not like Taehyung is at home.. waiting and might even getting scared alone...

I sometimes forgot stuffs you know... Oh God... , " Jungkook stuttered out before letting out a loud and awkward cackle... making Jimin cackle awkwardly along too... Of course he had to do it... 

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