Gave up

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Next morning.....

Jungkook blinked a couple of times before look around him... The lights started to attack his eyes... Which means it's already morning.... He let out a sigh in annoyance... It literally his every day struggle...

His eyes then landed on Taehyung's side... which was vacant by now... It means Taehyung was already awake. He checked the time and it was already 11.. So he quickly got up and went to bathroom to do his morning routine.


" Alpha breakfast is ready. , " Taehyung screamed from the kitchen after hearing Jungkook's footsteps from the hallway. " Eat then. I'm going out- , " " You will eat here.. with me too. , " Taehyung said while coming out the kitchen.

" Haha not so funny. Don't even try. , " Jungkook said while rolling his eyes and opening the door... ready to get out. " But I brought the meat from supermarket for you. , " Taehyung let out with a smile.

" You cooked it and I don't wanna- , " " I left it raw for you. , " Taehyung replied. " You are annoying. , " Jungkook let out while rolling his eyes after realizing there is no option left except giving in.

" Let's go now. , " Taehyung said while grabbing Jungkook's wrist to drag Jungkook to the table. " HEY. , "Jungkook screamed while snatching his hand away. " You can't do that you stupid idiotic creature...

Now I have to wash my hand. , " Jungkook said while acting like he is so mad... but his were saying otherwise again. His cheeks were tinted pink for " some " reason again. " Alpha you are acting like...

I'm harassing you. , " Taehyung let out quietly... kinda hurt after seeing Jungkook's behaviour. " This IS harassment. I'm leaving- , " " NO PLEASE ALPHA. , " Taehyung whined out loudly while standing in front of the main door.

" You know it that this won't work.. Don't you? This won't effect me... Not even a little bit? I can just pick you up and throw you out of the window.. You won't even able to manage squeak like a poor thing in pain...

Cause I won't let you to. , " Jungkook let out making Taehyung take a back. He hung his head low in fear.. not knowing what to do... " Shut. UP. Just move away already omega.. Don't even dare to think that...

I stopped you from leaving me last night means you can have control on me and I will listen to you. This is gonna NEVER happen. , " Jungkook screamed out making the poor boy flinch and manage to even sob...

Jungkook inhaled a deep breath... trying to calm himself down a little... " Listen omega. Learn your limits. I don't bother you with my opinions and let you be yourself... So you better not try to bother me with your opinions...

Just learn it and move on that we are not same. Now move. , " Taehyung quietly took a few steps to give Jungkook room to leave... and Jungkook just did it... he left... even after all these things happening last night...

Jungkook was still unbothered...

Then Jungkook just left with no words. Taehyung silently shut the door after seeing Jungkook leave. " Why do I even try to do this and humiliate myself.... , " He slammed the door shut while breaking into tears.


After Jungkook left with so much chaos and fight... He just silently took his own breakfast...and threw away the food that he made for Jungkook with so much hope since there was no use to keep it anymore....

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