THAT alpha boyfriend

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" It's not like I can't do anything without him... What did I even do? , " Taehyung let out in annoyance and rage while tossing the plate full of food away aggressively... Not caring someone was hearing it all...

The plate landed on the floor causing it to break in pieces and make a sound... Jungkook stopped in the hallway after hearing the sound and turned around... to only see the broken pieces of the plate on the floor.

At first he thought Taehyung's hand slipped or something... cause this was not what Taehyung usually does... Or ever was supposed to do... So with worriness he headed back to the kitchen and stood there to observe.

Taehyung was blankly staring at the plate... so it didn't took him much to realize Taehyung actually threw it. He silently just glared at Taehyung. Taehyung was so stunned and shocked..... Shocked by his own behaviour...

What's he even doing? He usually was not supposed to do that... Was he? It was so out of character for him and he himself found this unexpected from himself too. What is happening to him...

Why is he even so aggressive... He fumbled a little for not knowing how to react... or what to answer... Why did he even reacted in that way? Till now his eyes were stuck on plate... That was now divided in various broken pieces.

Too busy in processing everything... Too busy to acknowledge that Jungkook was right in front of the door... giving him the deadest glare... He was a little bit relieved when he remembered Jungkook was already gone.

But then his eyes landed on Jungkook... Who was just glaring at him with cold and blank eyes silently. His aggressive expression soon turned into a scared one. He swear he didn't mean to do that...

Oh God... He is so dead... He didn't knew what to say... so he waited for Jungkook to say something and break the deadly silence... but no.. Jungkook didn't... Causing him to freak out more in fear from inside.

The silence was so loud...

Jungkook was just glaring.... just standing there... not even moving or flinching... Taehyung was so confused... What should he even do... He was just so scared that he will say or do something that will do nothing but make Jungkook more mad.

" U- um.... Sorry... I didn't meant to do that... , " He mumbled while staring at his lap.. Too afraid to look up.. at Jungkook. Now he himself accepted the fact that he can get yeeted in the forest in any moment...

He won't be surprised if that actually happens... Totally understandable after what he just did... and after getting thrown... he can have no objection.. cause he.. deserved it. " Go to your THAT alpha boyfriend's house. , " He heard Jungkook saying..

So he looked up... " Kick me out of the house... I don't deserve i- , " " Before I do that.. Do what I said... Pack your stuffs.. , " Jungkook let out calmly... Which got Taehyung in shock... Where will he go if he doesn't even have any T-T....

He stayed silent and sat there... " I said something.. I don't think I need to repeat. , " Jungkook said with the same weirdly creepy calm expression... Which was actually scaring the shit out of him more...

" I'm sorry- , " " Fast. , " Jungkook let out cutting him off. " Go. , " Jungkook added again. " I... I don't have any....... , " He quietly let out.. gathering all his dare while playing with his fingers that were resting on his lap..

" No.. Don't even try to lie to me now... You don't understand... I can't tolerate this shit anymor- , " " I'll go back to pack house. , " He said cutting Jungkook off... who just shook his head in disagreement.

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