Weird behaviour

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" Are you already asleep now alpha- , " " No... I'm laying down and pretending to be dead here. , " Jungkook answered in an annoyed tone...

Literally after every 2 minutes the younger would do something. Or ask something... How is he supposed to sleep in this?

" Don't be harsh alpha... I just asked once... To know if you are sleeping or not. , " Taehyung whined out with a pout while nuzzling more into Jungkook.

" Okay.... But instead of getting hurt or upset... try to get my point too please! If you think I was already sleeping... How do you even expect me to answer then? How am I supposed to answer your question in sleep?

Also you know it already I need to get some sleep too. Even after finishing your classes you can always go on and get some sleep at any time of the day if you want to.

But I can't do that. So is it so unnecessary move made by me? What else do you expect from me? I thought you are disturbing my sleep... and that's why I was a little harsh. It's okay if you don't want to sleep.

But you moving around on the bed also doesn't let me sleep. Yes you talked only once... but you have been unintentionally continuously disrupting my sleep. , " Jungkook let out...

Trying his best to put an understandable explanation... To maybe just sound a little less harsh at least. Well... If that seems to Taehyung that it so harsh of Jungkook... Then another question comes in mind...

What was Jungkook doing since the beginning of their marriage then? Will Taehyung call it being harsh too? Or name it with something unnamed? Even after hearing Jungkook saying all these stuffs for him...

Taehyung just stayed silent.... Silently snuggling in.... and after that no other move was made by him anymore... Jungkook was just observing everything... Till the moment where the sleep took over Jungkook...

Making him tiredly close his eyes... He blinked and opened them again... But shook the matter of observing... Thinking... That Taehyung is maybe sleeping already by now... Maybe...

It's just him overthinking things again... Just like he did about the salt matter. Maybe Taehyung was just too afraid to move that time... Or maybe tired... Or maybe he just didn't wanted to drag the conversation.. And make it longer...

Thinking that... He just chose to close the matter in his mind and assume Taehyung is just sleeping in his chest. Only to confirm it. He didn't wanted to move...

Cause it might wake the sleeping boy up too. So with the thoughts getting blurry... Jungkook himself just drifted into deep sleep too.... Once again closing his eyes.

" Goodnight alpha. , "


Next morning....

" No................ Alpha I don't feel well please. I don't think even if I go to college I'll be able to do any class... Or pay proper attention in the class. , " Taehyung let out with a pout... Hugging the door frame...

Like a damn side pillow not wanting to go to college too. " Can you just stop acting like a kid Jeon Taehyung please... You have been making EVERYTHING hard for me since yesterday... Literally why?

What is happening to you?! And why are you clinging to the wall like that? This is not okay. This is not a normal person do and about you going to your college... What do you want to happen to yourself then?

You are literally harming yourself by doing these. What do you want to do with your life? Stay illiterate at home?- , " " Oh God.... Alpha... I'm not going to college... only for a day okay... I won't turn a total illiterate person by all sudden.

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