Part 37: Helping the Enemy

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You and Blaise are still asleep and Draco bursts in the room. He sees you and Blaise in bed together and immediately turns pink. "Y/n?" Your eyes flutter open and you see Draco. You jump up "Draco what the hell are you doing here?" "I came to apologize, and what do you do? Sleep with my best friend."  You scoff "Oh you have some nerve! You let your father torture me! You claim to love me, but where was that love when your father was going to kill me?" Draco looks down "I told you I wouldn't let anyone hurt you.." "Well you haven't really been trust worthy lately." You snap. He grabs your hands "Y/n..please one more chance and I promise I'll make it up to you. I'll forget about this if you forget about what happened at the manor." He pleads "I.. I don't think I can trust you anymore.." "I'm begging you. My father won't mess with you, with us anymore. I know you still have feelings for me or at least care about me. You once told me that I was the one you loved, above all it was me. That doesn't just go away and you know that."  He says. You sigh "You're right.. I love you and I will never stop loving you." He grabs your waist and pulls you in placing his lips on your. "I love you darling." He smiles "And I love you." You hear the blankets shift and Blaise begins waking up. "Uhm yeah I'll handle that and I'll see you later." You kiss one last time before he leaves. "I see you and Malfoy made up." Blaise says in a tired voice. "Yes and last night I was upset and things just got out of hand." You explain. "It was great I agree." "I love Draco, Blaise and he's trying to make things work so no matter how "great" this was a mistake and we are just friends" he gets up "I know Y/n. I wanted to get under Draco's skin, so I slept with you." You scoff "Seriously-" Kai comes behind you and injects you with wolfsbane and you begin getting dizzy. "Sorry princess. I got an offer I couldn't resist" "hey what are you doing?!" Blaise snaps and Kai sinks his teeth into his neck. "No one will get in my way this time." He picks up your unconscious body and speeds away.

"Just like you asked Lucius." Kai lays your body inside a cage. "Pour this all over the cage and she won't be able to touch it." He hands him a bottle of wolfsbane water. "And what are those" he points to the chains in Kai's hands. "Non-magic chains.. put them on her and she won't be able to use her magic." Lucius quickly takes the chains and placed them on your wrist. "She uses her magic the most, so you'll have more power over her." Kai explains. "Good. Here's what you wanted" Lucius hands him the ascendant "I found it in Y/n's room." Lucius explains. "Good luck. It takes a lot to kill a Tribrid" kai says before vamping off.

You begin to gain consciousness. As you get up you notice the chains around your wrist. "Hello!?" You call out and Lucius limps into your vision. "YOU!" You run to the gate but it immediately burns your hands. "You see I took your advice. I needed chains, something stronger to keep you in." "I will kill you! I told you not to not try me again!" You snap. "AVADA KAD-" Draco comes rushing in tackling his father. He takes his fathers wand "Alohomora!" He unlocks the gate to your cage. "I'm not done with her!" He yells getting back up. "I will kill you if you come after her!" Draco yells. "She's a monster Draco! An abomination and-" Draco cuts him off "I'm in love with her! Okay?! I'm done pretending I'm not to please you!" Draco snaps. "You're in love with THAT?! You are a disgrace to the Malfoy name! I'm disowning you as my child!" Your eyes glow yellow and you are about to charge at him but Draco stops you. "Let's just go.. he can't do anything." He starts walking off with you trailing behind him.

You finally make it back to you're dorm where you see your friends already sitting down sobbing. "Guys what happened?" You question. "It's about Hope.. the cure.. didn't let her become a vampire again.." Hermione says. "But she would've had to die again in order to find that out.." you add. "She did.. we found her in her room with a stake in her heart.." Ginny sobs. " that's not possible.." "I'm sorry Y/n.. Hope's dead.." Luna whispers softly..

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