Part 29: The Return

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Caroline runs to both you and Hope. "Caroline?" You ask. "I heard about.. Hayley.." she says softly. You and Hope look down. "Right.." you say. "And you haven't spoke to your father?" She asks. "Uhm actually we spoke to an Astro projection version of him." Hope adds. "I am so sorry girls.. I wish he could he here with you. Also I have something that could help you. If you'd want it." She pulls out the cure. "How does it work?" You ask. "After one of you takes it, I could take it out using a syringe and inject it into the other and you'll both be back to being Were-witches" she smiles slightly. You and Hope look at each other "do we want to do this?" Hope asks. "Keep in mind you were born with the vampire gene. Incase you die again you'll be a vampire once again. Unlike regular turned vampires we don't get a second chance after taking the cure." Caroline says and Draco comes running in. "Woah sorry didn't know you had company I'll go." He says quickly. "Wait Draco! I need your opinion. I have a chance to be my normal werewolf and witch self if I take this cure.. but I lose my ability to be the most powerful being to protect all of you." You say. "I think it's a great idea.. you'll get to have a family when you want to. We can protect ourselves although you two were a great help." He gives you a soft smile. "You're right. Let's do this." Caroline lines the syringe needle on your skin. "Okay 1..2..3!" She quickly injects the cure into your blood. "Wow that wasn't that... bad.." you begin to feel dizzy. You faint and Draco quickly catches you. "Now we wait until she wakes up and we will see if it worked." Caroline says.

About an hour later you're lying in your dorm bed Draco, Hope and Caroline sitting around you. Ginny and Fred have joined the others in waiting. Your eyes flutter open. "Hey you how do you feel!" Caroline chimes. You groan "I feel weak.." "That's a side effect with the cure. Now let's see if you still have a thirst for blood. Draco if you don't mind." She points to his wrist and he nods. She quickly bites him and shoved his wrist but you didn't feel the need to feed. "I don't feel anything." You say sitting up. "Great! It worked. Now I'm just going to do the same with Hope." She withdraws some blood and her and Hope leave to Hope's dorm. Your body feels drained and your bones are shaking and weak. "..I think.. I'd like to rest now if you guys don't mind.." you say softly. "Of course. Feel better Y/n." Ginny says and her and Fred leave and Draco was about to walk out the door. "Wait.. stay?" He smiles and crawls in bed with you. "Always, darling." You lay your head on his chest and as he plays with your hair you drift off to sleep.

You wake up a few hours later a bit more energized. Draco was still asleep. You get out of bed and decide to go visit Hope. Your legs are a bit shaky but you are  able to stable yourself. Your walking down the stairs to the Slytherin common room holding on to the railing. Once you get to the last step you begin to have trouble walking. You're trying to hold on to things as you go but your legs finally give out and You begin to collapse but someone catches you. "Blaise.." he smiles softly. "Are you okay what's wrong?" He asks trying to help you up. You shake your head "I'm-I'm okay I just felt a bit under the weather I suppose." You say. "Well where are you off to? I could walk you just to make sure you arrive safely."  He suggests. "Uhm I'm off to Hope's room actually but I think I'll be okay from here." You smile releasing yourself from his grip and you try to walk but again you go down. He pulls you back up. "Yeah okay let's go." He says and he picks you up in his arms. "Woah! You don't need to do all this I can walk-" "You're obviously weak or hurt in some way and I'm not going to let you damage yourself further." He says calmly but sternly. You sigh leaning into his chest. "Where is Hope's dorm exactly?" You laugh "Gryffindor dorms hallway and then I'll direct you." "So have you seen Draco lately?" He asks. You nod "Yeah, he's in my dorm right now asleep." Blaise nods "So you two are like together now?" You turn pink "Well- uhm I'm not sure exactly he asked actually asked me.." you say softly. "Well he better ask you soon. There are boys drooling all over you." He stops in front of a dorm. "Now where do we go." You point a few doors down and he sets you down. "Thank you, Blaise." You smile. "Anytime, just don't let Draco find out. He tends fo get overly jealous." He says and puts a stand of hair behind your ear. You cough to stop the awkwardness. "Well I should check on Hope. I'll see you later.." you give him a small smile and he walks away. You let out a heavy breath. "What was that all about" you think to yourself. You walk into the dorm and Caroline runs to you. "Great! You're feeling better! Hope is in the shower right now." She says. "Why do I still feel terrible though." You ask. "You're an older vampire than Hope was, she was turn a day or two before she took the cure so she didn't need much recovery. Since you're body has been out of work for longer it's trying to catch up. It shouldn't be much longer until you feel better I promise." She explains. All of a sudden Hope runs out from the shower in her towel covered in blood. "There's blood coming from the water!" She says in a panic. Not long after Vipers are coming surrounding the room. "Caroline! What's going on!" You scream. She shakes her head "I-I don't know girls.." you use your magic to stop the snakes but larvae begin to appear. When you look outside ice is falling from the sky. "Wait.. is that?" You hop off the bed looking through the window. "Dad.."

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