Part 12: Maybe she should have

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The following morning you , Ginny and Luna all meet up at Slytherin common room. You all wanted to surprise Hermione with activities. "Alright what should we do. We can't do anything to girly since the boys will complain." Ginny says "or we can do something girly and make the boys do it" you say and all 3 of you start laughing. "I say for day one we do a girls makeover." You suggest "OH YES! And then we can do the boys make up and nails!!!" Luna says excitedly. "Oh it's almost breakfast we should start going" Ginny says and you meet up with Hermione on the way to the great hall and all 4 of you walk to the great hall together. You all walk in and Draco waves to you all at the Slytherin table and you notice Fred sitting at the Gryffindor table. "Um I'm going to grab Fred I'll meet you guys at the table" they nod and head to Draco while you head towards Fred. "Good morning everyone!" You say and they all reply back. You whisper in Fred's ear "we were supposed to stay away for a bit remember? We planned to sit with Draco." "No. You decided that." He replies. At this point you're confused and shocked you mentioned it to him yesterday and he agreed. "Fred I mentioned this to you yesterday don't play dumb just because you don't like that I'm friends with Draco."you are no longer whispering . Harry , Ron and George gasp synchronized. Fred looks at you "You can leave now." Is all he says. His words hurt but you don't show it. "If that's how you're going to be then fine." You get up and walk away not looking back once.

Fred's (POV)
It was morning now and I was supposed to meet the girls but I decided to leave with Ron and Harry and of course George. I'm not sure why I was feeling so angry and upset with y/n but I was. I sat down at the usual Gryffindor spot hoping they would forget that whole plan and join us. As they walked in I see Draco wave for them to join him and that only made me more furious. I kept eating until y/n decided to join us. She tried to get me to join her but really didn't feel like it. Maybe I was jealous of Draco but I had her he didn't. I won but I was pushing her away. The next thing I know I was telling her she could leave. I instantly regretted it but I couldn't take it back she was already gone. I couldn't stop staring at her hoping she'd turn around even though its my fault. I noticed she didn't go sit down with Draco and the others instead she left the great hall. Everybody at the Gryffindor table ate in silence for the rest of the time.

Draco's (POV)
I waved the girls down motioning to them I had a spot for us. They all came all except y/n. I watched as she walked towards Fred. As much as it pained me to see her with him she was happy and that's all I could ask for,for her. "She's just going to grab Fred you can quit staring Draco." Ginny teases. "I'm not staring! I'm just curious." I reply. Fred won't even make eyes contact with her when she's speaking and by the faces the other Gryffindors make I can tell it isn't good. Y/n looks upset. Angry and irritated. It took all of my self control not to go over there and cause trouble. Fred finally looks at her and I couldn't tell what he said but I saw the way her face and mood changed. Although no one else can notice I know actually what hurt looks like. She says one last thing and walks out of the great hall. I was furious. I wanted to beat that Weasley to his senses. Luna must have noticed the way I was death staring Fred shakes me. " hey quit staring! I'm sure y/n just forgot her books!" Luna says. You know she didn't but still you shrug it off and continue breakfast.

(Back to y/n's POV)
You decide to go to your common room and relax since everyone was at breakfast. You couldn't help holding it anymore and you needed to let go. You leave your common room and go outside passing Hagrid's house. He noticed you through his window but you just kept walking deeper into the forest. Once you get far enough you let out a shrilling scream as you magic flows out of you. Wind surrounds you blowing the trees and leaves. Hagrid appears surprised at what he's seeing trying to keep the leaves and dirt from hitting him. "Y/n mikaelson is everything alright?" he says. You jump and everything stops. "Uh.. yeah I'm sorry I just needed to let go. Being the granddaughter of the original witch has its downfalls sometimes. I feel to powerful for my own body" you say then gasp. "Oh I shouldn't I have said that!" "It's okay y/n your secret is safe with me. Plus most of the teachers here already know. I mean she did create dark magic!" He exclaims. "No let's get you to class!" He walks with you to your class and puts a hand on your shoulder "Now no more sneaking out especially to the forbidden forest it's dangerous out there!" He says and you nod and walk into professor lupins class. You see Draco , Hermione , Ron and both twins look at you as you walk in. You sit next to Hermione like always and began taking notes. "Where were you?" She whispers. "I uh I had to do something." You say brushing it off. She shrugs it off too. You feel someone staring and You turn around to notice both Draco and Fred both staring at you. Fred looks upset like he wanted to cry and Draco had the face of worry. You quickly turned away to avoid the awkwardness. After class a cold hand grasps your wrist and pulls you into a corner. "Hey!" you push the person off. It was once again Draco. "Hey what happened today? You left out of no where and we were worried!" He says and you just shake your head "I know I was supposed to be there I just got caught up.." you lie of course. Fred comes out of class and sees Draco with you. You meet his eye and he looks furious. "He begins walking to you both. "Hey Malfoy trying to hit on my girl?" He questions. "Fred don't!" You tell him and push him away from Draco. "Oh yeah maybe I was! What are you going to do about it Weasley?" He says scoffing. You turn around are give Draco a death stare "Draco! I told you we are just friends!" You yell at him. Fred pushes past you knocking you down and goes and punches Draco across the face. Draco returns the favor and the end up in a scuffle. You try to pull Draco off Fred but they won't budge and a crowd begins to form. Harry , George and Hermione come to help but have no luck. The walls begin shaking from how angry you are and your magic is getting out of control. "I SAID STOP!" You motion your hands to two walls and they both go flying hitting both walls. They both fall down with groans. Hermione and Ginny come and pull you into a hug and drag you away from the whole crowd. George and Ron take Fred and help him to the hospital wing while Harry and Luna try to help Draco. "No. I need to talk to y/n first" he tries to push past them. "Draco. You realize what you've done? Give her time! " Luna yells although not really a yell due to her soft voice. "She's right Draco. You couldn't ruined her relationship by saying that. He's always thought she'd chose you" harry says and Draco just rolls his eyes  and mumbles "maybe she should have"and continued walking.

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