Not Yet

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Hello! Wow I haven't updated for so long! I honestly am sorry, alot of things have been going on and that's why I haven't been updating as usually as I used to.

You all probably want the vote count thing back that  used to do kekeke.

(p.s: this is short because I didn't want you to wait any longer vtrgergerggdvgrgerggfgrg)


 Either you run the day, or the day runs you

    - Jim Rohn

Not Yet

But he doesn't deserve to be forgiven. Because he hasn't done anything to prove to me that he won't leave me again.  

I draw my hand back, I don't want him to cry, I don't want him to be hurt, but I can't forgive him. 

Seeing him hurts me too much.  

"Mia. Please" 

I shake my head blinking away the tears. 

"I can't. I just can't, I'm sorry, I can't" 

"Mia" he reaches for my wrist but I back away. 


"I need to go." 

He looks at me with his tired eyes, through his makeup I can still see his pain. 

And it hurts.  

"Wait." He says as I turn to walk out through the back exits.  

"Will you ever give me a chance Mia? Will you wait for me? Can you wait for me to try? Because you'll gain my trust back Mee. I'm not giving up." 

I slowly turn back around and look at him one last time, nodding before turning back around and heading out.  

I slowly trod my way out listening to the deafening screams. 

Lucky I took the back exit, otherwise I'd be dead.  


"Aaaargh I need to get round changing this stupid ringtone"  

I mutter pulling my phone out my pocket. 

"Hello this is Mia Redlicity" 

"Mee love, could you pick up the morning paper for me?" Mum asks.  

"I thought you were going shopping, why don't you get it then?" 

"Because I don't want the newspaper down the shop, I want the one I always get and they don't sell that one down the shops" 

"Fine. Anything else mum?" I probably sound like a grumpy, lazy brat.  

"No sweetheart, thankyou love you. Stay safe!" 

"Okay mum love you too" I hang up.  

Right. Now to go down the stall down the road to grab a newspaper.  

Then go home.  

Stupid Zayn. Making everything hard.  

I kick the pebble on the concrete and walk my way down the pavement heading towards the usual area where they sell papers and pick one up. 


Of course, the 'heartthrob' is my ex best friend.  

And of course he promised me he'd quit smoking, which of course is another promise he broke.  

Because it's Zayn Malik I'm talking about.  

Well technically I'm thinking about him considering I haven't actually opened my mou- 

"S'cuse me" a bloke says as he walks past me 

"Oh! Sorry..." 

Agh Mia, please concentrate on what you're doing. At this rate you're going to stop in the middle of the road. 


I decide to jog my way back home so I get lost into the running and also burn off this mornings breakfast.

"Run, run, run, run, run, run, run..."

This actually helps me run, but I'm too tired to keep tellin myself to run now.

"Mum! I'm home!" I call out heading for the kitchen to place the newspaper down.

Seeing Laura happily sit down round the kitchen table sipping her tea.

"Your mum went out to the shops" 

She says without lifting her head.

Oh yeah.

"Go exercise"

"But I just ran all the way here"

"Good. Now go exercise more"


She cuts me off with her glare as she places the newspaper back down.

"Mia. Have you seen those models I work with?"

"Um...I don't really know which ones you're asking me abo-"

"They're thin."

"Well yeah, I did-"

"And not thin as in they have some meat on them, they're really thin. Healthy thin. They tried really hard to gain their body and I know, because I worked with them and still do. They are models. You. Are not thin enough to be a model that works with me. I don't think you understand how important loosing weight and not eating is. Now, go exercise."

"Yes Laura"

I slowly go up the stairs.

Stupid Laura, making me exercise alot.

I head over to my room and look at the photos of the models Laura's placed around it, she's right. They're really skinny.

I look back at my body and compare mine to theirs.

"You are going to be even skinner Mia, don't you worry because you will become a model. So therefore you will loose all the weight necessary and then become even better than them."

Smiling to myself; I make my way to my gym room.

That was then ( Zayn Malik love story)Where stories live. Discover now