My Run

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  • Dedicated to YOU. For being so lovely and supportive :)

Chapter 2 - My Run

Authours Note--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IT'S HERE!! JUNE HAS COME MY CROSES ( get it? Candy + Rose= tried! Thankyou so much for your patience my dear's :) So I thought about it and decided that my 'intro' will now be chapter 1, because to be honest I think it worked better as a chapter more than a 'intro' and I have to say THIS IS REALLY SHORTY SIMPLY BECAUSE IT'S LIKE A STARTER TO THE THE STORY AS IT WILL OFFICIALLY BE STARTING NOW! Lalala okay okay i'll shutup now. Hope you enjoy! Leave comments and please vote!! :) xxx--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------xxx

"Mia, it's time for your run" Lora tells me whilst getting her trainers on.

"Yes Lora" I used to hate it before; running every morning for two hours straight with hardly anything in my tummy and hardly anything to fill me up later, but I'm quite used to it now. No matter how sick and ill I got without enough food, Lora would make me run and since I have my own apartment mum couldn't see the damage it caused me. I hardly ever see her as she's busy in work nowadays. It's gotten to the point where I don't bother arguing for food anymore and try to show my mum how ill it makes me.

I get my keys, tying my hair up in a messy bun I put on my trainers and we get out my house.

" Today we will be running the usual way, NO slacking and no tiredness" Lora tells me 'we' I almost laugh, she hardly even runs, she gets a cab; there and back.

"Right off you go and don't bother pausing to rest, I'll be following in the cab" Told you. Lazy, mean, crap, stu-


"Yes?" I answer


"Yes Lora" I say as I slide on my headphones; listening to music and start running. I look around me as I'm running, taking in the sights. I see the bright sun shining clearly above me, ahh the sun, lovely, hot, sunny sun, so beautiful, much better than the ugly rain. Then I look around me; kids eating ice-cream, oh what I'd do for a ice-cream, especially Mr bubble, my favourite.

I look away before I start dribbling and carry on my run.

_____2 Hours later_____

I grab my water bottle and drag my feet to the park the bench where I've finished my run and Lora is supposed to be meeting me; probably arriving with a cab.

Thank God it's over.

As I sit I feel the rush of pain in my legs and feet soar ten thousand times worse.

"OOOOWW" I shout as I grab my poor tired feet. Ouch. Even my back hurts, THIS IS TORTURE, what kind of sane women would make a poor, innocent girl run for TWO HOURS without any food? (unless you call HALF of a SLICE of toast food) . My trainer is a stupid, heartless, b-

"Mia!" Oh great, thinking of the devil...

"Yes Lora?" I reply with all the strength left in me, even moving my mouth hurt.

"Get up, you need to be ready for your photo-shoot"

That was then ( Zayn Malik love story)Where stories live. Discover now