A face I'd rather forget

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WOOHOOO here's the update my lovelies! I DID upload WAAAAY before schedule so yay again hehe now I shall shhh and let you read my croses.


A face I'd rather forget

I stare. I just stare. I'm looking at a face I'd rather forget. A face I used to dear so much. My eyes, I can feel them start to sting, but I wont cry. I can't. There's no more tears left in me, I wasted them all on him. He's

staring at me too, in shock, in guilt, in suprise; at least that's what it looks like, because my eyes are now blurry.

I guess I was wrong, there are still tears left in me. I look away from him, I look away from Zayn. I need to leave this place, not only because I want too but because I have too.

I turn around, wiping my tears with the back of my hands and head for the exit, dropping the dress to the floor; it doesn't seem as if I'll be needing it.

My hands are shaking as I try to open the door and walk out.

" Mia?" I can hear him right behind me. He sounds so sad and confused. I hate him. Because of him I turned myself away from others, protected a shield round me blocking everyone else out.

" Mia " his voice is soft and quiet. I carry on walking, I can't look at him, it hurts too much. I try to run but I can't move any faster, It feels like my world has slowed down, I'm already forcing myself to keep moving.

" Mia" he grabs my wrist and turns me around.

" I'm sorry" nobody's sorry. Sorry doesn't mean anything, it doesn't take away the heartbreak, it doesn't bring back the years. Sorry's just another word for excuse.

I can't tell him this though, because I can't open my mouth.

I can't speak.

" Mia. Mia speak to me, I'm sorry"

Like I said; nobody's sorry. I can't just stand here looking at his face.

Leaving is better.

I pull my wrist away from his grasp and run.

" Mia!" I can feel him running after me but I'm faster, though the pain from my foot is physically, painfully hurting me, his face is emotionally killing me.

The physical pain is better. I exceed my run as I wipe away my tears that are now completely blurring my vision, I carry on running, past the parking lot, across the road, past the kids on their skateboards, past the tree's, past friends, past families.

I carry on running until I twist my ankle and drop.

" Mia!" I hear his voice.

He was running after me the whole time.

I quickly force myself to get up before he can come near me so I don't have to see his face nor feel his presence.

" MIA! Please! Just wait! Listen!"

I'm too late. His caught up with me.

" Mia. Mia please look at me"

I'm uncontrollably crying now, I can't control the shaking of my jaws, of my hands, my feet.

"Mia" he whispers as he grabs holds of my shoulders with his hands.

Go away. Leave me alone. Why are you here?

I hate you.

These are the things I want to tell and ask him, but I can't. Because I feel mute.

" Mia" I try to look up at him So that he could see what he has done to me, the pain he caused me, the torture he put me through, but I can't,

I can't look at him.

I forcefully and quickly pull myself away from his grasp and run.

I keep looking ahead and run, I run faster than I ever have, I feel the wind lashing against my cheeks and my hair blowing against my face, but I don't stop. I carry on.

I run all the way home, unlock the front door and run upstairs dropping onto the bed, burrying myself under the pillow.

" AAAAAAAAAAAAARGH" I scream until I taste the blood from my throat which is now dry.




I hate him. I hate him so much for what he has done to me now, for the looser he turned me into. For everything he did to me. I hate him for ever knowing me, for ever being my friend. For leaving me.

I hate him.

I didn't trust anyone after him, I made sure I was a lock that no one had the key too, because all they'll do in the end is leave me, because I'm worthless. They'll forget about me, carry on with their lives and pretend I never existed, that I was just a barrier in their life that they had to pass. I was a mistake, a girl. Nothing more.

I moved away from everyone else, I didn't have any other friends after him, I didn't want any. He said I was his best friend , his rock, yet when something bigger came I was ' a nobody' I am a nobody.

I look down at my arms and trace the scar that will never leave.

He doesn't understand how much his words hurt me, how much his rejection caused me to suffer.

I cut myself that day, I cut myself so bad I ended up in hospital. But it was only once, because mum reminded me that I didn't need anyone, she told me he's a nobody, that I don't need him, that he's just any other guy, nothing's special about him. So I believed her.

But the thing is, Zayn is special. Maybe not to anyone else but to me he was, I guess he still is, he was a big part in my life, a part that I will never forget.

He was my best friend. Yet he left me.

I gave him all my trust and he crushed it.

Like I was piece of paper, full of mistakes, uneeded so crumpled and tossed in the bin.

With the rest of the waste.



43 votes till next chapter? If not then I guess 36 will be acceptable ;) THANKYOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR COMMENTS PLEASE LEAVE THEM IT HONESTLY MAKES MY DAY READING THEM! And don't forget to vote! ;)

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