My Friend

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Hehe I've uploaded sooner than usual :D  


My Friend

I lower my head and carry on my journey of evacuating the bus.

It's now that I realise there is no way of getting out.

He stitched me up, that nob knew I couldn't get out, he knew the fans would block the bus exits.

I am not going out the way I came in.

They'll tear me apart, besides, there's no way I'm going through the pushing, shoving, screaming, horri-


Next thing I know my arm's grabbed and I'm swooshed around to face some-


I quickly lower my head and try pulling my arm away.

"Is it you? Is it you Mia?"

"Hm?" I reply still pulling my arm.

I don't even know what to do, to be honest the only thing I feel like doing is sitting in a dark corner crying.

I look at the bus corners...I don't really think that's an option to be honest consider-

"I'm sorry, could you just raise your head a little?"


I'm not raising my head, oh my god what is wrong with me why did I run today?

I'm so stupid.

Silly Mia.

Look at the outcome of your idiotic ways.

He reaches for my chin and I quickly flinch away, in the process he releases my arm suprised by my reaction.  

I don't think he's used to girls flinching from him, or rejecting his wants.

Well then I guess I'm not so stupid now considering I somehow made him relea-

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to, it's just that you really look like a friend of mine."


Since when was I your friend Zayn?

Since when?

Zayn's pov

It's her.  

I could tell when she flinched, she lifted her head slightly, also biting her lip which she would do when she was nervous, not only that, I saw her eyes.

I also saw her body tense up at the mention of friend.

Maybe this would be the best way to tell her I'm sorry, maybe this'll be the only time she listens.  

Maybe this is my only chance.

"Well...she was a friend, but I blew it, I blew everything."

I sigh, trying to find the best words to tell her.

"Because I'm stupid, I'm an idiot and all other horrible words to describe myself. And guess what? I don't even have an excuse. Guess it was just the pressure I was in, I don't know what happened to me that week, I don't know why I did what I did or said what I said. I don't know why I acted like such an ass?"

I swallow.

"Why I changed"

"I lost her. I hurt her. I changed her. And you know what? It hurts. It hurts that I couldn't help her through her sadness, it hurts that I wasn't by her side when things got tough, when she cried, when she needed someone to hug. But what hurts the most, what hurts the most is that I, in the first place, was the cause of that hurt and anger."

She's looking up now, her tears flowing down her cheekbones.

"She looks different too" I say, reaching for her face, wiping away her tears.

"She looks more beautiful than I remember, more grown up,'s her eyes that have changed the most. They're empty. Her eyes show her vulnerability, her emptiness, her sadness. I can tell she's lost just by looking at them, because they're precious, they're beautiful, just like her"

More tears flow down her cheeks as I wipe them away.

"She's crying again, and again, it's because of me."

"She won't look at me anymore when I call her name, not like the way she used too, I haven't seen her smile yet either and it hurts. Because I'm the reason."

"She won't listen to me, she doesn't want to hear my voice, listen to my lame excuses. But I just want her to know, that I'm sorry"

I wipe away more tears.

"I'm sorry Mia" I whisper.

"I'm so sorry"

Mia's pov

Maybe the dark corner idea wasn't such a bad one.

Or getting strangled by the fans, or their screams.

Or not running in the first place.

Or staying at the top of the bus with my ea-

"Mia. Please" He sounds like he's trying hard not to cry and I just can't take it anymore, I can't take the pain it's causing between us both, the tears it's making us shed, or the blankness in my heart.

I look up at him to see a tear run down his left jaw and slowly reach up to wipe it away.

I don't want him to be hurt.

I don't want him to cry.

I don't want to cause him what he caused me.

"Don't cry" I manage to whisper.




AND I really, really, REALLY love reading your comments, they make my day >.<

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