Don't Stop Me

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Kangley quinn is stealing to get his puddin something but jongho, a random citizen stops him and manages to convince him.

"puddin!" kangley said as he skipped through the rooms of jokers hideout. He had a big grin on his face. As he skipped through the rooms he saw many weapons and giggled while imagining what they would do to the good guys.
"puddin! Where are you!" kangley cheered.
"ah kangley I'm in the lair" jokers voice was heard. Kangley giggled and continued to skip towards his puddin.

After about two minutes he managed to find his puddin. He was busy messing with a gun.
"hello puddin!" kangley greeted and joker ignored his prescense.
"kangley I need you to get me this" joker interrupted pointing to a screen.
"take the bait" joker said the returned to silence. Joker wanted a jewel and kangley was going to provide.

"of course puddin! Ill getcha the jewel ASAP" kangley giggled. Joker scoffed under his breath.
"then go"

Kangley quickly nodded and made his way out of the building.
"lackies, puddin needs a jewel" kangley said as he walked down the drive. The lackies chuckled and scoffed before joining him.

Kangley grabbed his bat and walked to a van. He jumped in and let the lackies drive. The drive was pretty long but when they eventually made it they instantly broke in.

"puddin needs his jewel!" kangley gleamed at the jewellery store cleric who cowered in fear. The customers just an elderly man and a cute boy around kangleys age were leant against the counters.

Kangley giggled and tilted his head.
"so are we gonna do this the hard way or the easier way?" kangley said with a pout.

The cleric just stood shaking. Kangley just scoffed and started walking forward.
"my puddin won't be happy if I don't come home with that jewel so I guess we are doing this the hard way." kangley said as he raised his bat and walked to the elderly man.
"first let's get rid of the extra baggage." kangley smirked and swung his bat down watching the elderly man flinch and cover his head. However a sudden jolt stopped him.

He blinked and looked at the obstruction. The boy his age had grabbed the bat before it could hit the man.
" why are you here!? Let me go!" kangley whined as he tried to retrieve his bat from the man's grip. He huffed and continued to tug.
"now why should I let you harm this man, he was doing nothing to you" the man said tightening his grip causing kangley to huff more.

"oh boo hoo, he was in my way and I need that jewel.!" kangley yelled getting angrier.
"then why didn't you just attack me first I am clearly stronger than him so even if you attacked me first I would have beat you anyway" the man said irritating kangley more.
"look! I didnt attack you first because I thought you were cute and I could keep you for myself but I needed that jewel first and the cleric was doing nothing" kangley growled making the man shocked and loosening his grip causing kangley to yelp and fall to the ground with the force of release.

"ugh, goodness puddin is gonna be so mad" kangley said making the man confused.
"wait weren't you talking properly before?" He asked and kangley blushed.

"no that was your imagination" kangley said not realising he had returned to his original korean accent.
"well whatever" the man said.

"ya get out of my way I need that jewel" kangley jumped up onto his two feet.
The man sighed and stood where he was.
"I don't think so" he said and kangley growled.
"lackies get him!" kangley yelled but nothing happened.
"they left like five minutes after you arrived probably told to leave you here" the man said. The elderly man besides the arguing people scurried out the door.

"puddin wouldn't do that to me!" kangley denied and the man raised his eyebrow.
"well I wouldn't be suprised by the amount of times he's left you to be arrested" the man said silencing kangley.
"he's just showing his love, he always gets me outta there" kangley said and the man sighed.

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