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Yeosang as we all know him is the savage shy beauty that loves chicken but what happens when seonghwa finds out Yeosang is nothing more than a cuddly baby. Getting a lap full of Yeosang confuses seonghwa but when the boy calls him mommy with the most adorable lisp seonghwas heart caves in.

It was breakfast time in the Dorm. Everyone was here except Yeosang. Everyone didn't mind and just started eating the tasty meal seonghwa whipped up. After they ate they left a plate for yeosang in the microwave and started doing their own things.

Seonghwa was walking upstairs when he heard a small sniffle. Slightly alarmed he walked quickly towards the sound and came to Yeosang, jonghos and Wooyoungs room, the latter two were already down stairs so it must be Yeosang. Seonghwa opened the door and saw Yeosang hugging his cover and staring at the wall. Seonghwa raised and eyebrow as Yeosangs sniffles increased.
He walked forward and sat on the bed. Yeosang looked at him and in a matter of seconds was curled up on seonghwas lap sniffling and wiping tears in the crook of seonghwas neck.

"mmmy" Yeosang said and seonghwas heart melted. He knew he was a sucker for the kids but seeing Yeosang act like this makes him confused but also want to cradle the boy.

"what's wrong?" he asked softly his motherly side coming out.
" 'm soey mmmy I didn't mwean to cwy" Yeosang spoke with a lisp

"it's ok but why did you cry?" seonghwa asked
"me thought wooyoungie left me and jongho didn't love me anymore." Yeosang said and seomghwa sighed softly.

"baby, jongho will always love you, he's always talking about how cute you are and how he loves that your his boyfriend, and wooyoungie would never leave you he's your best friend, so let's go and eat OK?" seonghwa spoke and yeosang shook his head.

"nwo! I don't want them to swe me like this. Thewll thwink I'm weiwd" Yeosang insisted and seonghwa sighed.

"they won't, I'm confused myself so maybe you can tell us all so we don't think your weird baby" seomghwa comforted and Yeosang sniffle before nodding and gestured for seonghwa to pick him up. Seonghwa raised an eyebrow before it clicked amd picked him up and holding his bum to keep him steady while walking with him clinging to his chest and neck.

Once they got in the front room hongjoong greeted them before stopping after seeing seonghwas predicament. He raised and eyebrow to seonghwa who just shrugged and asked him to get everyone here.

"hey kids come here" he yelled and the members all walked into the living room each eyeing Yeosangs position. Jonghos jaw clenched as he saw his baby bear clinging onto seonghwa but didn't show his jealously.

"seonghwa wants to talk to you" hongjoong said and the kids nodded.

Seonghwa tapped yeosangs shoulder and had the boy turn around though Yeosang refused to leave seonghwas lap, and seonghwas children were being crushed again but he didn't shift much not wanting to alert yeosang.

Everyone looked at him and saw a pout, they all squealed internally before focusing on yeosang.

"Yeosang here is gonna tell us something important so listen" seonghwa said and the boys nodded as did hongjoong.

"you can tell them now" he said softly to Yeosang who bit his lip and nodded.

He had gotten out of his baby space but he didn't want to leave the comfort of seonghwas arms so he stayed put.

"erm, I go into something called babypace, it means I revert mentally to that of a baby no older than two. I usually don't revert fully because its embarrassing, I usually need someone with me 24/7 just like a normal baby would and I didn't think I could get that once we debuted. I'm sorry for not trusting you enough" he mumbled and fiddled with his fingers. Seonghwa gently caressed Yeosangs back helping with some of the nerves he had. The rest of the members looked shocked beyond belief but had no hint of disgust in their eyes. Yeosang fidled once again and shifted in seonghwas lap. Seonghwa moved him onto his leg rather than his lap to ensure he doesn't pop a questionable thing. Since he was practically grinding on him unknowingly and seonghwa did not want that type of relationship with anyone other than hongjoong, who has helped him through every thing and they started dating.

Yeosang scratched his arm waiting for them to come out of their shock, first it was hongjoong who parted his head then it was the rest of the 99s, jongho was still shocked which made Yeosang upset, he thought jongho would break up with him now.

"why didn't you tell me?" jongho asked a little irritated and yeosang flinched.
"I didn't want you to break up with me" he whispered and jonghos shoulders sagged.
"come on baby, you really think that low of me?" jongho questioned and Yeosang shot up from seonghwas lap, he rapidly shook his head.
"no no no! I didn't mean it like that I just didn't think you'd want to deal with the responsibility of dating a baby" Yeosang informed and jongho nodded bringing Yeosang into a hug. Although over Yeosangs shoulder he smirked and whispered In Yeosangs ear.
"your already a baby in bed" and yeosang bursted into metaphorical flames. Noone caught on to what he said but looked awkwardly at the two very curious but didn't say anything.

After the two broke out of the hug Yeosang pushed jongho onto the couch and straddled his lap before hugging him around the neck and waist. Seonghwa went into the kitchen and returned with Yeosangs breakfast.

He fed Yeosang as he kept his head in jonghos neck and giggled when Yeosang would fall asleep slightly. The stress must have exhausted him along with the babyspace slipping.

After the food was gone, Yeosang fell asleep on jongho and the others just cooed before watching a movie. They had no schedule today so they decided to have a lazy day, no excersise, no going out and only having junk food promising to work ten times harder the next day to their manager who was stuck with the task of shopping trips.

Everyone warmed up instantly to Yeosangs baby side. They would spend the days cuddling and playing with baby Yeosang which they nicknamed yeoyeo.
Hongjoong and seonghwa warmed up to actually being parents with this and let the kids returned to calling them Mom and dad as they did previously before debut. It warmed their hearts, seeing their family click together, sure there were arguments and punishments happening especially for the horny 99z, but ultimately they were just proud Yeosang let them know of this because they believed if he didn't, it would do more harm then good.

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