Curses (TW)

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(that gave me shivers ^) torture.

"hey what's that?" Yeosang spoke softly facing the shadow in front of him.
He looked back to see no one. His friends were missing. His heart sped up and he turned back forwards. The figure was gone as well. Yeosang continued to walk ahead. Still planning to reach the destination they set. An old abandoned hospital.

He reached the building and looked at it with his flashlight. He adjusted his head cam and surveyed the outside.
Paint was peeling and the roof was crumbling. The glass doors to the outside were shattered and hanging by a single screw. It creaked as it shifted in the wind. Yeosang looked around the outside seeing he was alone before walking in to the building.

He had to find his friends and this was the best place he could try before moving on. He could feel the glass crunch under his feet as he walked into the hallway. He kept a tight grip on his torch and trodded further in. He was ppllanning to find at least some form of large room where his friends could be.

On the frayed and dirtied map Yeosang could only just make out the large facility room where the dead patients are taken to before leaving to a morgue. He memorised the path before starting towards his journey.

He walked through hallway after hallway each one smaller than the last until he took a wrong turn and ended up at a dead end. He sighed quietly and turned only to hear something metal clang. He shot around staring at the plate still dancing before it settled down. Nothing was there, he was the only one in the area. He just shook his head and took a deep breath. He picked up the plate and placed it onto the trolley besides were it fell. This place may be abandoned but even so it was very clean and organised.

After placing the plate on the trolley a black flash flew past the corner of his eye. His head cam caught a blurred figure as his fans could see on the other end.

He rolled his shoulders to move the shivers before continuing towards the room. After three more corridors and two wrong turns Yeosang made it without any issues.

He took a sharp breath as a draught swam past the base of his neck. He shivered and rubbed the spot before entering the room. Or tried too. It was locked. He sighed before crouching and pulling out a Bobby pin. He knew iut would work because he's tried it a few times on locks like these since he used similar ones to keep his gate shut and keep his motorcycle on his property.

The fans could see his hands messing with the lock before another clang sounded. Yeosang flinched and faced backwards seeing another plate this time on the floor dancing. Yeosang breathing started getting quicker and his hands messed with the lock tighter.

In his mouth was his torch, the torch started flickering on and off before shutting off completely. Yeosang continuously hit the torch to try turn it bavk on when he succeeded he could feel breaths on his neck. He tensed and slowly turned away from the door. He turned 180 degrees and came face to face with a melting face. His eyes widened and he stepped back. That one move set the figure off. It grabbed Yeosang by the neck and picked him off the floor. Yeosang clawed at the melting hand trying to lessen its grip.

He was released finally and fell onto his back coughing up blood. The figure shifted one foot and Yeosangs body convulsed in terrible pain making him screech at the top of his voice. His camera fell off his head and tilted into its side just in time to catch the puddle of blood wastlh growing.

Yeosangs fans were getting really stressed. They were screaming in the comments. Yeosangs body completely covered in blood from head to toe and most of his limbs stretched in unnatural angles he gasped as he tried to crawl away. He managed to get a little further but was stopped by a foot on his back. Yeosangs face was pushed into the floor facing the camera.

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