Dreamers (TW)

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**whipping, rape, bullying

Yeosang was a lonesome college student, he had no friends. He was bullied because he was weak. He'd regularly dream of a different life, he'd always change the story. From fantasy to realistic he hoped he could find away to break away from his mother's expectations and his father's lessons. He wished to meet the love of his life And find someone who would take care of him.

Staring out the window in his lecture he saw the images of his most appealing life flash across the glass, subconsciously he smiled sweetly embracing his daydream and bringing tears to his eyes as he wanted to reach out and grab it but all it was, was a dream. A perfect life he'd never reach with a gorgeous boyfriend who was kind but mature, whose also not afraid to embrace differences. A group of friends not small but not large whose accepting of everything and everyone. Not afraid to reach their desires and willing to change his views on life.

A family he can feel welcomed in and feel appreciated for just being himself. A place in his heart that'll hold them hostage because he cares so much for them.

He snapped out of his daydream when the bell rang and rushed to write down the notes on the board before packing and rushing to his next class. The daydream fuzzling away in the back of his mind, ready for later.

"Hey pussy" said his bully as he stepped in front the rushing Yeosang causing him to come to a short stop.
"What do you want Aaron" Yeosang asked and Aaron just snorted and grabbed Yeosangs hair.
"I want you to go kill yourself." The male said as he squeezed the black locks in his hand.

"Look in going to be late to class, can we please do this later" he begged and Aaron smirked.
"Hmm? How about no" he snarled and dragged Yeosang by the hair to the bathroom ignoring Yeosang crying and moans of pain. No one was in the hallway as the next class already started.

Aaron smirked and threw Yeosang in the room and releasing his hair at the same time causing the sudden difference in weight to cause Yeosang to collapse on his backside.
Aaron stepped towards him and crouched.
"What a waste of a pretty face." Aaron tutted before pulling Yeosangs hair Inc again, Yeosang yelled in pain and latched his hand onto Aaron's trying to pull it off. He failed and Aaron pulled harder. He relented and shuffled closer to ease the burning pain on his scalp as tears flooded his cheeks once more.

Aaron giggled and dropped Yeosangs hair before grabbing his jaw and bringing him close.
"Let's have some fun shall we." Aaron smirked as he started to undo his belt and double it up in his hand.
"This is gonna hurt... A lot" Aaron giggled as he raised Yeosangs shirt and straddled his back to keep him still before raising his arm and slamming the belt on the virgin back. Yeosang screamed in pain only for Aaron to cover his nose and mouth with his hand. Yeosang clawed at the hand restricting his breathing as more tears swallowed his dry cheeks. The belt once again snapped down on his back and he surged forward trying to escape the pain.

Yeosang clawed harder finally breaking the skin of the males hand and causing Aaron to fling his hand away letting Yeosang breath. He coughed at the sudden invasion of air before facing Aaron. Aaron looked pissed his face was red and his nose was scrunched as he hissed.

"You fucking bastard!!! How dare you hurt me!!" Aaron said before he hit him a few more times with the belt and deciding to take it up a notch. His hand went back on Yeosangs mouth but leaving his nose so he could breath, he shifted and started pulling Yeosangs pants and underwear down. Yeosangs eyes widened as he realised what was gonna come next if he didn't escape. He started struggling and managed to knock Aaron off of him ready to pull his pants up and escape but Aaron lunged back on him and placed his entire body weight on him restricting any movement as he continued removing Yeosangs pants.

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